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Unit 22 South E-scouting

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Yep, I am looking for Mule deer, we were drawn for unit 22 Mule deer Oct 28th, we have never hunted the area and I am reaching to see if anyone will point us in the right direction!

I know unit 9 like the back of my hand as that is the area we have hunted for so many years. I have been early scouting the past two weekends around the Rye area.

I have spotted a few doe, 2 Whitetail bucks but no Mule Deer bucks.

If anyone has Oct 14th Elk tags I can let you know what I have seen and where.

If anyone needs help with unit 9 I can help as well.

I know this may rub some the wrong way but I hope you would understand and would appreciate any advice.

Thanks ahead.

I will be posting this on the Deer forum as well..

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