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Couple of questions

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1. I keep seeing tons of deer buck can't find the bucks. Are they staying away from the does and fawns. Where would they go? Low country?


2. How big would a fawn born early in June be? Would they still have spots?


3. This is kind of related to #2. While out I saw a small doe, probably about as big as a greyhound dog. I watched froma bout 25 yards for awhile then continued hiking. Not far from where I encountered the small doe I found a fawn hidden in the grass. What are the chances that this fawn was this small does? I'm thinking either a 6 month old doe was bread last season and had this fawn or this larger, greyhound sized doe is just another fawn born earlier this year.


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Wow, cool picture. Bucks run together for the most part during the early season. They won't break up until Dec/January.


WT does aren't that much bigger than a greyhound. That fawn probably is hers.

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This doe was definetly not a full grown doe. Whata re the chances of a youngin getting bread? Do bucks stay away from does and fawns? I thought I would be seeing lots of them since they are in bachelor herds but i have only seen a few small young bucks still with mothers.

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This past weekend I saw one herd of 9 bucks. They were pretty low almost out in the flats. They will be where the grocerys are. Look for an area with water and shade and no hunting pressure and then tell me where it is. :P Good luck you'll find them just keep glassing.



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