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Unit 1 Buck

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Man what an exciting hunt this ended up being. thankfully I have a wife that is very understanding of my passion for the outdoors and is a big part of me being able to be successful out in the field. I spent quite a few weekends this summer up here and was able to get a pretty good handle on the area I wanted to hunt and had several bucks picked out. my brother and buddy Ryan were able to come up for the first couple days of the hunt to assist me and boy was I glad they did. opening morning we got into quite a few bucks and this one I passed on early in the morning. that night I couldn't help feeling like I should go back in there and try to harvest this buck sense he was one of the 4 bucks during scouting I said I would shoot. after discussing it with my brother and ryan we decided Saturday morning we would try to locate him again and put him in the dirt. as soon as it was light my brother tells me there he is and the excitement started. me and my buddy started across the canyon on the treeline to get in position and got within 500 yards. I moved around a cedar to get a better position and boom he locked on to me and I rushed the shot and hit just in front of him. they took off running as I sat there thinking to myself you idiot you just messed this up. next thing I know my phone is ringing and it's my brother telling me they only ran about 300 yards towards the mouth of the canyon. me and my buddy hurried across the meadow and I caught them out of the corner of my eye. my buddy tells me they are at 400 yards so I got all set up and here he comes right out in the open. I squeezed the trigger as my buddy says to me he's down he's down. I was and still am so excited about how this hunt went and the memories I will have forever. rough scored him at 73 1/2 but I didn't really care to much with the score his frame and mass had me sold.


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