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Guest akaspecials

Shooting 2 peeps

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Guest akaspecials

I added a second peep to my bow today to double my number of pins. Do any of you guys shoot with one peep for short shots and another for long shots? If so, what yardage range do you use each peep for? Also, did you learn a new anchor point, or just raise your eyes a little? Thanks in advance!

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In 30 years of bowhunting I've never heard of anything like this. Of course you'll have to change your anchor... which is not good. Can you share a pic of your setup? Good luck with this. Ed F

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Guest akaspecials

See pictures below for setup. The problem I'm trying to solve is that my sight window runs 30-90 yards and my bubble is acting as my 100. I'd like to have pins out to 140. Hopefully this solves it without forcing me into a slider, which I don't like for hunting.


My lower peep has stayed the same and I use my normal anchor point at the corner of my lips. For the top peep that was just added I think I'm going to have to learn to anchor on the bottom of my jaw bone somewhere. I've also thought about adding a second d loop so I can use the same anchor point. I'm not sure if this will make the bow un tuned though.


(Before I get lynched by the purist, I keep shots under 50 on game. Shooting the long shots at targets make the shorter ones chip shots when it's time to kill.)



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Why not use 3 peeps and try to stretch it to 200 yards? Adding a second d loop will throw your bow waaaaay out of tune. If you don't plan on using the old redneck dink and dunk double peep for hunting any ways, then why opposed to a slider for "target practice"?

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Ive heard of people doing it. I think the problem that you'll run into is that while using the longer distance peep you'll only be able to shoot just a couple of different random yardages. The arrow will be falling at a faster rate longer distances so those pins will no longer match up with anything other than some random ranges and you'll be stuck shooting only those ranges or trying aim between pins and at extreme distances even one yard difference can be multiple inches of drop. Hard to accurately shoot those distances without a slider in my opinion. A multi pin slider would pretty much be impossible to beat for what you're wanting to do.

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Guest akaspecials

Reason to do it this way is cost and simplicity. This is a 5 dollar fix as opposed to a whole new sight that is out of my budget.


I'll have to be sure to watch my form as a I change anchor points. Will probably do a bunch of blind bale shooting to overcome the change in form.

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I've seen this done where guys are shooting 200-300 yds for show only.

Your also losing arrow speed with that second peep on your string.

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Im going to start doing this to increase my odd!


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