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Hunts for Hero's

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hey guys now that all the hunts are under way please dont forget about the Arizona Elk Society's Hunts for Hero's program to get wounded warriors out in the field, if for any reason you are not going on your hunt or just want to donate your big game tag to this program you will receive your bonus points back for any species and help a great cause whether your a resident or non resident, you may contact david holbrook at 928-300-3937 for questions or to donate your tag, also they are looking for volunteers and guides to help out on hunts thanks everyone and please share to get the word out thank you

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I'd like to donate my leftover deer tag.


Sorry I'm not familiar, but will the AES Hunt for Hero's take a leftover coues rifle tag as well as elk?



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I am sure Dave would take any tag. He is the director of the program and can be reached at daveh @ arizonaelksociety . org. Just make sure to remove the spaces.

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  On 8/24/2016 at 9:39 PM, desertheritagetaxidermy said:

hey guys now that all the hunts are under way please dont forget about the Arizona Elk Society's Hunts for Hero's program to get wounded warriors out in the field, if for any reason you are not going on your hunt or just want to donate your big game tag to this program you will receive your bonus points back for any species and help a great cause whether your a resident or non resident, you may contact david holbrook at 928-300-3937 for questions or to donate your tag, also they are looking for volunteers and guides to help out on hunts thanks everyone and please share to get the word out thank you [/size]

How much lead time do you guys need in advance if say a tag was to be donated?

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  On 8/24/2016 at 11:12 PM, Eagle mountain ranch said:


  On 8/24/2016 at 9:39 PM, desertheritagetaxidermy said:

hey guys now that all the hunts are under way please dont forget about the Arizona Elk Society's Hunts for Hero's program to get wounded warriors out in the field, if for any reason you are not going on your hunt or just want to donate your big game tag to this program you will receive your bonus points back for any species and help a great cause whether your a resident or non resident, you may contact david holbrook at 928-300-3937 for questions or to donate your tag, also they are looking for volunteers and guides to help out on hunts thanks everyone and please share to get the word out thank you [/size]

How much lead time do you guys need in advance if say a tag was to be donated?
I've gotten tags to him in as little as 48 hours left before the hunt.
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I've got some on going undiagnosed health issues,and if they can't figure it out,and I can't give 100% on my unit 10 rifle elk tag I will gladly donate it to our fine men and women that have served. Good to know there is this option.

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thank you everyone dave will except any tags dosent matter archery,rifle or muzzle loader his goal is simple to get wounded warriors out in the field on hunts, any notice on tags but please try and turn them in enough time for them to find volunteers to help with the hero and hunts.

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  On 8/25/2016 at 12:35 AM, desertheritagetaxidermy said:

thank you everyone dave will except any tags dosent matter archery,rifle or muzzle loader his goal is simple to get wounded warriors out in the field on hunts, any notice on tags but please try and turn them in enough time for them to find volunteers to help with the hero and hunts.

Thanks for the info, and good job keep up the good work.

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If you donate the tag can you get your bonus points if you didn't buy the point guard?

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A point of clarification --- these hunts are designated for ARIZONA vets, so your donated tags are helping heal your neighbors ...

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The AES is accepting any big game tags, does not need to only be elk. Only those tags from the last draw are eligible for Point Guard, you had to purchase the Point Guard at the time you put in. The elk draw Point Guard will be available for next year. The system was not in place for the 2016 hunts.

If you purchased the Point Guard for your deer tag you will be able to get your points back if you donate your tag for Hunts for Heroes. If you are donating an elk tag you will not get your points back this year.

We do accept tags at any time but the more notice we have the better so we can get help, guides and hunters lined up. So far this year we have 30+ hunts scheduled. Last year we did 37 hunts. This is by far the most rewarding program that the AES and Dave Holbrook have ever done, the letters and comments from the warriors are awesome.

Please take a minute and watch the video on the program from some of last years hunters - https://youtu.be/mlJCs_eT7jM

Thank you very much.

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