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Help Wanted

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Skinny Moose Media/US Hunting Today has a lot going on. I don't feel any of it is in direct conflict or competition with Amanda's site, so that's why I thought I would post here.


First and foremost, we're looking for bloggers. We provide your blogsite at no cost. There is some income opportunity for you, but I wouldn't call it second income either - think "beer fund", or "gadget money". Not only can individuals have blogs, but it might be a good means of getting info out there for your conservation group as well. Currently, most of our bloggers are hunting/fishing/outdoors/shooting related, but he is taking other bloggers at this time as well. They do provide some guidance on how to blog successfully. You can go to www.skinnymoose.com to see some sample blogs that people have going.


Next, they are looking for State and Regional Marketing Directors pretty much across the country. They are also looking for people to run message boards in a bunch of different states. You can visit http://ushuntingtoday.com/news/employment-opportunities/ for more info on that.


We have developed an online radio station and are looking for people to host radio shows. This is done basically, using your computer and a headset. For example, a group of folks from here could get together and create the CWT radio show. Basically he's looking for a 1/2 hour show per week. Obviously they probably would be recorded ahead of time. Again, he is looking for clubs, conservation groups, individuals, whatever. This is a pretty cool opportunity as well.


For questions or more info, feel free to PM me or e-mail muskrat89@gmail.com

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