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If and when do you lower your standards?

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Kids get so excited and never think it will be that hard. They also get very very bumbed out if they don't get one. As oneshot said above ^^^ but I'll add to it! Don't give your 16 year old a new truck, mustang, best of anything. This is a simple concept of psychology people always enjoy and learn more when they learn from the small things first. When we were given the best from the get go even though we think it's exciting it's not always best for the young kids. If they decide for themselves or (save up for that new truck) they will know they accomplished it themselves and worked hard for it. For me they will be just as happy to shot one. If they don't get one it becomes a learning lesson from them. They get one they will be ecstatic. Let it grow naturally for them.

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As a kid theres no way my old man would have let me pass on the first legal buck we saw. Typically he'd get so worked up, and in turn get me so frazzled that I'd get little time to relax and get a shot off. Which was always followed with the typical... "what were you shooting at blah blah blah..."

To this day he likes too remind me of the little 2 point I missed at 100 yards when I was 14 years old.


With my daughter I will leave it up to her. Shes and excellent shot and I want to make sure that she takes the time she needs to make the shot. Hopefully, things will fall into place and she'll get to make that shot on a cow elk this October.


As for me I no longer hold out. Just getting out and getting to hunt is such a privelage anymore, If it feels right I shoot it.

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I'm a pickey bastard, and can go without pulling the trigger if it's just not there, but with kids I would say as it goes in deer camp, " don't pass on something the first day you would shoot on the last". With that said good luck and enjoy,I wish my daughter wanted to hunt, but she's to busy with being a athlete which hopefully pays off with a full ride to some college .. No matter the rack enjoy brother !!

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Who cares, teach them kids to love the time with parents the meat or antlers are bonus plan my rule is you don't have to shoot him but you will be here till we're done!

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For myself, a mature animal. Doesn't have to be a monster.


Taylor was the same way last year. We passed 80 bucks, and the 5 big ones, we couldn't seal the deal. Hoping to change that this year. Starting out looking for a big one, half way through, probably any mature buck will be on the hit list. I really want her to tag out on a buck this year.

2 years ago for bull elk, she took a great 1st bull. Last year, we were after 1 specific bull. Came home empty, but a great time. This year she drew a cow tag, so she just wants some table fare. She liked it when I would thank her every night at dinner for giving us our nightly meat.

My older daughter this year has a 7W bull tag. She says anything legal is going in the freezer. Her husband has the same tag, and will start off looking for a decent bull. I am sure he will shoot anything with horns after day 3-4. It will be his first ever elk hunt, and only his second big game hunt ever. I can't wait!

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i hold out for B&C animals exclusively, till opening day. on opening day, i'll shoot anything.

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I've never been too picky. I'll pass up some spikes and forkies if I have lots of days to work with, but any 3 point is in trouble even on opening day. And those same spikes and forkies should start getting worried about noon of the second day.

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Super awesome advice on this thread. My daughter will have her first shot at her first game animal this year (youth elk). When the kids get drawn for there first deer I will encourage them to take the first legal animal just to set the bar. That being said If I have the opportunity to scout a unit and find a good buck before hand I will try and go back with the hopes of getting a "good" one off the bat but don't want to teach them to be greedy either.

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Past couple of years that I've hunted I've been trying to give my hunting partner first shot but every time I end up shooting a buck and we end up trying to get his first deer. Hopefully this is the year! He's not a kid/youth but for his first all he wants is a shot he's comfortable taking and legal antlers. Part one of that hasn't happened yet.

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i hold out for B&C animals exclusively, till opening day. on opening day, i'll shoot anything.




Past couple of years that I've hunted I've been trying to give my hunting partner first shot but every time I end up shooting a buck and we end up trying to get his first deer. Hopefully this is the year! He's not a kid/youth but for his first all he wants is a shot he's comfortable taking and legal antlers. Part one of that hasn't happened yet.

i tried to get my buddy his first deer last year, same kinda thing happened.


It's always the shooters choice. Doesn't matter which day they decide, always have their back on their decision.


thats whats up. sometimes i just feel like getting the kill out.

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Super awesome advice on this thread. My daughter will have her first shot at her first game animal this year (youth elk). When the kids get drawn for there first deer I will encourage them to take the first legal animal just to set the bar. That being said If I have the opportunity to scout a unit and find a good buck before hand I will try and go back with the hopes of getting a "good" one off the bat but don't want to teach them to be greedy either.

Im a firm believer in just getting the first one under your belt. Its such a confidence builder. After I killed my first one in 08, I was fortunate enough to get another one in 2009, and then In 2010 I went home empty handed after passing on a couple smaller ones. It was much easier to accept knowing that I didn't get skunked, but rather had made the choice to go home with my tag.

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Thanks everyone for the replies. Enjoyed the funny ones too.

Both my kids were fortunate last year to tag out on a couple of little coues and get that "first deer" under their belt. Of course they want to top last year, but it's really going to depend on what we are seeing, how much time is left and the weather forecast. I'll leave the choice up to them (and hope the first buck is a shooter).

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With the limited time I have to hunt due to work I have 0 standards, if its legal its dead/ Kind of reminds me of my 20s-30s with the female species with so much work my standards were pretty much 0 also. Thank god I worked in a target rich environment :P :D

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never pass up something on the first day you would gladly take on the last, hunting with kids success is more important than rack size

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