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anyone interested in Adele tickets for tonight?

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I love Adele!! :) Glad someone got to go to the show, I heard it was great.

I just heard on KTAR the show was cancelled and came searching for this thread. Maybe there was a follow up show tonight they were talking about.



Edit- story came back on and the show tonight was cancelled.

There was another one tonight. Guess I'm free tonight now. I will do something lame like shoot my bow.

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dang some of you need to learn how to take a joke. It's all fun no need to get all excited

I agree just funnin wow. :rolleyes: I mean all except for the soccer comment. Oh thats right everyone wins a trophy now. I understand the ticket buying, the same reason I watch the Lifetime Channel

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Wow how far we have slipped, never thought I would see Adel tickets for sale on any outdoor website., or even someone to admit it, I t just shows how far we have slipped as a nation. :wacko: now I would understand some 38 Special or maybe some TED, but Adel :o it just goes along with all the soccer fields that are all over the place in the parks now. 35yrs ago you never seen a soccer field, if you were not playing baseball, or football or basketball no kid would of ever hung out with you and you would of been shunned. I blame Obama :angry:

but you like Mexican food right?

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Wow how far we have slipped, never thought I would see Adel tickets for sale on any outdoor website., or even someone to admit it, I t just shows how far we have slipped as a nation. :wacko: now I would understand some 38 Special or maybe some TED, but Adel :o it just goes along with all the soccer fields that are all over the place in the parks now. 35yrs ago you never seen a soccer field, if you were not playing baseball, or football or basketball no kid would of ever hung out with you and you would of been shunned. I blame Obama :angry:

but you like Mexican food right?
ummm?? Mexican food?

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Wow how far we have slipped, never thought I would see Adel tickets for sale on any outdoor website., or even someone to admit it, I t just shows how far we have slipped as a nation. :wacko: now I would understand some 38 Special or maybe some TED, but Adel :o it just goes along with all the soccer fields that are all over the place in the parks now. 35yrs ago you never seen a soccer field, if you were not playing baseball, or football or basketball no kid would of ever hung out with you and you would of been shunned. I blame Obama :angry:

but you like Mexican food right?
ummm?? Mexican food?
it's a soccer joke.

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Ok was watching the news , now at least I know what she looks like , she was explaining she has a cold who the fu@k gets a cold in the summer, too much bad coke , prolly should splurge for the good stuff... Lmfao !!

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dang some of you need to learn how to take a joke. It's all fun no need to get all excited

Last time guys were joking on a thread, you said that they needed to learn how to be a real man. Huh!

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Ok was watching the news , now at least I know what she looks like , she was explaining she has a cold who the fu@k gets a cold in the summer, too much bad coke , prolly should splurge for the good stuff... Lmfao !!

My entire family currently have colds. 4 of us, 11 year old just started the school year.

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Ok was watching the news , now at least I know what she looks like , she was explaining she has a cold who the fu@k gets a cold in the summer, too much bad coke , prolly should splurge for the good stuff... Lmfao !!

My entire family currently have colds. 4 of us, 11 year old just started the school year.

Yea only have one in school now, but they do bring it home and it goes around.

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Ok was watching the news , now at least I know what she looks like , she was explaining she has a cold who the fu@k gets a cold in the summer, too much bad coke , prolly should splurge for the good stuff... Lmfao !!

My entire family currently have colds. 4 of us, 11 year old just started the school year.

man that's crazy , I always thought colds were in the winter. I hope you guys feel better that sucks.. Colds in the summer ..that sucks !! Think I'm gonna call in sick Friday with a cold ... Hahah

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Wow how far we have slipped, never thought I would see Adel tickets for sale on any outdoor website., or even someone to admit it, I t just shows how far we have slipped as a nation. :wacko: now I would understand some 38 Special or maybe some TED, but Adel :o it just goes along with all the soccer fields that are all over the place in the parks now. 35yrs ago you never seen a soccer field, if you were not playing baseball, or football or basketball no kid would of ever hung out with you and you would of been shunned. I blame Obama :angry:

but you like Mexican food right?


You kidding me I loooove mexican food, but my fat a$$ has not been eating as much since doing the keto thing :(

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All jokes aside, does everyone think about their posts being singled out by the average Internet scanner? I realize some people don't mind if their content is offensive in nature, but why draw a crosshair around something we all live and love? This is all viewable by the general public. Don't worry, I'll burn my own soapbox when it gets cool enough.

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