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Solo elk hunting

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I always leave my wife my coordinates of my camp at least they'll find my stuff.

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I always leave my wife my coordinates of my camp at least they'll find my stuff.


My wife knows where I'll be. She has been all over the unit. And we spent our "honeymoon" chasing elk there a few years back. She may finagle a way to get there yet.

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so you drew my first choice --


lots of big bulls - just better hope it's a dry season as far as weather cuz when 5bs gets wet, it can get bad in a hurry


one yr we spent more time off the main roads than on them and the side stuff was walk in only


hope for a cold snap - great tag - good luck

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with the atv u have in the back - youy'll be fine - lol


nowadays you want someone armed in camp just to protect your stuff from thieves!!

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so you drew my first choice --


lots of big bulls - just better hope it's a dry season as far as weather cuz when 5bs gets wet, it can get bad in a hurry


one yr we spent more time off the main roads than on them and the side stuff was walk in only


hope for a cold snap - great tag - good luck

I almost got stuck in 5Bs Turkey hunting, I drove in, saw lots of camps so I wasnt worried. Storms came, almost got stuck several time on the way out, and started to worry because all the camps I passed earlier were long gone. Fortunately there were enough pine needles on the sides to get me out.

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I'll be up with some help with me, 5B south off 294 rd to 294b rd, where I've camping to scout the last 6 weeks, don't know if that's where I'll hunt from as we know the Elk will more for the Rut. I'll be up the next 3 weekends Stop in if your in the area.



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lol. Just posted a question about using decoys hunting solo.


My biggest concern is shooting one in the evening and not having tracking help should it not go down right away.


The more flashlights there are looking the better the chance of finding a spotty blood trail.


Then the cleaning. I'll use gutless if I get lucky and hope it's not too far back in the nasty stuff.


Good luck to all the solo guys!

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Im sure there are others in about every unit around hunting seasons that are on here that would be more than willing to help out. Ill be up around Flag myself for my bull hunt got 16 days off. If I tag out im down to help out :)

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bottom line - besides all the "HUNT"


if you are not prepared to take care of the meat in the field - especially solo - do not hunt so far off a road- that it makes the task harder than it should be !


packing out a elk - even a mile by yourself can be an all day event.- after dark = an all nighter


trophy's are not worth a spoiled elk carcass!


know your limits - be prepared


make a clean kill if possible with the best shot placement = get'm close


i'll still hunt and stalk - chase bugles all morning and afternoon but come late afternoon i'm setting water or a traveled trail less than a mile from camp-- especially if i'm alone


Enjoy your hunts - tag an elk and take care of the meat


good luck to you all !


hunting alone has advantages and disadvantages - have fun - hunt smart

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Thanks for all the offers to help. As much as anything I was curious as to how many solo hunters there would be. More than I expected. As it gets closer there are a couple of guys that hunt the same areas I like. Even if family comes through and I have company I may check in with them. I think nearly everyone could use another strong back when it comes to packing one out. I have that!

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I might be solo for a few of the days in sept archery bull 3a/3c. Not sure if anyone else is in the same boat. If anyone else has that hunt we can exchange numbers in case one of us gets in a jam.

I will be in 3A/3C as well would be glad to swap numbers!! I will pm you!!

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If it were me and I am hunting solo on the early season , I would hope I shoot one in the evening over the morning. Working to pack one out at night solo is much easier and cooler with the right equipment. First it only gets cooler as the temps drop throught the night so you dont have to race to get the meat cool and you can take your time with the pack out. And the meat bees and flies are gone. Plus the woods are awesome at night especially with a half moon or better.


Good luck on your hunt!!!!

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