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I know who took those pics and EXACTlY where they were taken..


I know its kinda unusual to actually see the pics of it actually happening, but comeone folks, this craps happens in the southern reaches of your state day in and day out.. EVERYDAY, ALL DAY.. BP or not, it won't stop. Its the simple principle of suppy and demand. If there is a profit to be made off of something, that something WILL find its way into the buyers hand.



... think you're alone in the 36 units, think again. Rest assured, there's a pretty good chance that someone is watching you when while your out there. Just remember when you get that tingley feeling and the hair stands up on the back of your neck, there's prolly good reason. Listen to that sixth sense that nature gave you.

Ya and that aint always pot on their backs...Cocain is worth abuncha more $ and means alot more risk these scumbags are willin to take.... :angry:

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Scott, that response you posted kinda made me think... I have had gut feelings of not to go around the corner, or to not look somewhere before... kinda makes me wonder if it is my sixth sense?! weird!

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take a look around you guys every back breaking job you see out there its a dang wet back mexican doing it whos going to do your dishes in a restraunt whos going to clean up your neighborhood whos going to do your roof whos going to pick the cotten the the friut well if you take these jobs away from them then it is not going to be some guy at home getting his social securty money to do the job so then whats going to happen your prices are going to go up on every thing because aint no one going to work the regular paying range only some border hopper that is willing to do it. and i know there are some border hoppers out there that are doing it for the drugs so it could fo both ways.

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Don't have a problem with doing my own yard work, or fixin my own roof. Hoed my fair share of cotton in my day and shoveled my fair share of pig cr@6. I even worked side by side with a few illegals. They were a very respectful people, worked hard, didn't take what didn't belong and if you didn't see them, you would never know how they got here or how they got back to Mexico.

Teaching school up at Ash Fork we had alot of illegals working in the quarries out in the hills. When BP was coming through town, parents would frantically come to the school to get their kids so they wouldn't get picked up.

My frustration comes with what is happening to the land, hospitals, public schools. I don't have a problem with someone who wants to come to this country legally, contribute to the system and reap the benefits of living in the best country in the world. I really don't care what nationality they are or where they come from.

Packing drugs.........that falls into a whole different catagory, no punishment is good enough for those sorry individuals I don't care what supply and demand says. :angry:

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Braino, do you REALLY think you're gonna get the bleeding heart sympathy you're looking for from the guys on this site?? Not even close pal..


Nice grammar too.. I had to try and read your post 4 times before I could kinda decipher what the heck you were trying to say.. Punctuation works wonders by breaking a paragraph down into readable sections called "sentences". You should try it.

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What are the things that we as hunters can do to best assist you guys in the southern units? I got a 35A left-over tag and although the activity may not be as high in that unit (I assume.....especially with the military base there).

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This is what I do to help. If I find them in the desert, I give them water (and food if I have it available) and call the BP. Most just want to go home anyway when they've reached that point. I call the BP if I see them anywhere else, as well, and give coordinates (although 90% of the agents I've come accross sort of laugh at coordinates if you can read and show them a map!).


I called Scottyboy one time and he helped me out as well. Keep the BP number on hand all the time.


We're a long ways from fixing this problem. Do everything you can to help the BP. Until we're a drug free country and we're willing to pay $4.00 for a head of lettuce, etc. we'll always have to fight it.

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OK, we'll just go ahead and ignore the problem.....anybody got a phone number for the BP they will share with me? :o It's all about hunting, and dealing with the hunt. Some of you out there it might be a stoll in the park for you cause you have been dealing with it for years. Some of us haven't so cut us a little slack if you don't mind. :)

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What are the things that we as hunters can do to best assist you guys in the southern units? I got a 35A left-over tag and although the activity may not be as high in that unit (I assume.....especially with the military base there).


Activity is just as high in 35A, Fort Huachuca or not, they still travel every canyon and wash

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We're a long ways from fixing this problem. Do everything you can to help the BP. Until we're a drug free country and we're willing to pay $4.00 for a head of lettuce, etc. we'll always have to fight it.


I would gladly pay 4 bucks for a head of lettuce if they could get them all out of our state. Right now we pay more like 6 to 8 bucks a head. It isn't the price on the lettuce that you pay it is all of the other things we have to pay because of them. Insurance, Doctor's bills, crime rates and what we pay by taxes to keep them in the pen--the list goes on and on--do you think the BP is free?? Not a chance!! Do you think we can ship them back across the border for free? Not a chance!! Now, tell me, where do you think the money comes from that pays for all of that??


4 bucks for a head of lettuce--heck yea, I'll pay it!!


By the way, when i was growing up i worked for my grandma cleaning homes--we did the work back then and i bet the folks here would do it again. The reason there is no one working in any of those fields now is because the illegals have under bid them--heck, they can do that when they pay no taxes, pay no insurance, live 50 in a house and the list goes on and on. My dad was a carpenter and when he worked for companies there were a few out there that worked for the same wage--now, the contractors hire them by the dozen and pay them half of what my Dad was getting paid--i ask you this, have you seen the house prices dropping over the years?? Doubt it-know why?? Because the businesses that use these people are making the money.


I'm sorry if i sound like i am fed up but i am!! I will be 50 in a year and a half--i have lived in this state my whole life and have seen what has happened here and it is mostly due to greedy people and illegals.


I'm done! :angry:

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I'm all for ANY RACE to be here as long as they are here LEGALLY. I do not care if you are Asian,Polish,German,Hispanic

etc....... But if someone is here illegally then ship them back to where they come from. I wouldn't expect to go to another country and have them give me health benifeits, a free education and so on. And I dang sure would not march around

in there Country saying give me everything for free cause they would shoot or behead my a$$. :o


I would gladly pay more on everything to get the BP staff up so we can keep the borders safer.

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We're a long ways from fixing this problem. Do everything you can to help the BP. Until we're a drug free country and we're willing to pay $4.00 for a head of lettuce, etc. we'll always have to fight it.


I would gladly pay 4 bucks for a head of lettuce if they could get them all out of our state. Right now we pay more like 6 to 8 bucks a head. It isn't the price on the lettuce that you pay it is all of the other things we have to pay because of them. Insurance, Doctor's bills, crime rates and what we pay by taxes to keep them in the pen--the list goes on and on--do you think the BP is free?? Not a chance!! Do you think we can ship them back across the border for free? Not a chance!! Now, tell me, where do you think the money comes from that pays for all of that??


4 bucks for a head of lettuce--heck yea, I'll pay it!!


By the way, when i was growing up i worked for my grandma cleaning homes--we did the work back then and i bet the folks here would do it again. The reason there is no one working in any of those fields now is because the illegals have under bid them--heck, they can do that when they pay no taxes, pay no insurance, live 50 in a house and the list goes on and on. My dad was a carpenter and when he worked for companies there were a few out there that worked for the same wage--now, the contractors hire them by the dozen and pay them half of what my Dad was getting paid--i ask you this, have you seen the house prices dropping over the years?? Doubt it-know why?? Because the businesses that use these people are making the money.


I'm sorry if i sound like i am fed up but i am!! I will be 50 in a year and a half--i have lived in this state my whole life and have seen what has happened here and it is mostly due to greedy people and illegals.


I'm done! :angry:


I completely agree with you, that was my point. Most of us WOULD pay that much for lettuce, etc..... And as far as what they cost us in crime, medical and taking one more emergency room bed from someone here legally, I see it more than you can imagine!!

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My understanding is;( correct me if I'm wrong Scott is that these drug mules when caught, are processed and sent back across the border without punishment, similar to the way the non drug toting illegals are processed. My understanding is that they may be flown down deep into the interior of Mexico, but there is no legal punishment.


If you or I got busted with 50 plus pounds of dope, we'd be spending a fair portion of our life down in Florence.


We can get tossed into a Mexican prison for looking at a federale the wrong way, but we just toss these burros back across the border without even slapping their wrists. There needs to be a punishment to fit the crime, no matter the nationality or expense.


Good hunting,


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