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need help packing your game out?

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THe bottom guy looks like his pack is lighter then the ones ahead of him he must be smokinn it while packin it.


I would fight for the job to pack the food and binos. That is a great water spot for some nice coues bucks that has gone to the trash.

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Hope you called the BP.


I think the BP should start offering rewards.....AND get serious about cracking down on this sort of thing. If someone called in something like it would be nice if the BP brought in a helicoper or some officers and layed the smack down. I'm sure that's quite a bit of marijuana. For all the money that gets siezed they could pay all of us to help them out......that way we could all get top of the line optics :P

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I don't get what is so hard to get about this business, we need to start emailing photos like this to Napalitano, McCain, Bush, just flooding their computers with the damage and distruction that is occuring in our southern border areas. I have to admit that since my wife drew the 36B tag, my eyes have been opened.

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I second the reward idea, why not set up a hotline on G&F tags distributed to southern units that you can call BP or DEA and say 'I've got a dozen mules in my binoculars, here are the GPS lat and long coordinates,'? Last time I checked my cell phone works on just about every mountain top in southern AZ.

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I'm reading an old Revolutionary War Novel with my 10 year old......he is pretty facinated with the way the "rebels" stuck their necks out on behalf of liberty and freedoms. I like the idea of calling this stuff in, I am going to program the BP number into my cell phone for when I am hunting down there. They are going to hear it from me when I see activity. I really don't blame the men working BP, I blame the system. And since I don't have a tag myself, I am packing my camera with me.

When we went down there a couple of weeks ago, we visited with the BP for quite some time, it was probably about 1:00 in the morning. They claim that they collect an average of 300 illegals a shift and they run three shifts in a 24 hour period. They said, "we have guys out in the washes right now, 1:00am, picking up illegals

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i always call BP when i see illegals and tell them where they are, most of the time during the day they aren't on the move when i see them so it's easy for me to give BP directions and then go off and hunt. i called some in about 3 years ago and i stuck around to watch BP apprehend them through my bincos, i was on my cell with the dispatch and the dispatch was talking to them through radio. they did find them and i guess one of the women in the group had a broken leg, i might have saved her life because she couldnt walk, but i bet BP wasn't to thrilled about it because they had to practically carry her out a mile and a half or so through rough terrain.

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10 guys with bales, and one guide. Bales usally average 60 pounds, so lets do the math. 60 lbs X 10 Bales = 600 pounds X $780/lbs for pot = $468,000.00


Thats a few Sheep tags??

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I don't know if this will come up, but it's a photo of a tall steel fence, probably near San Diego. There are at least 100 people in lines packed against each side of it. It only proves what our governor is reported to have said: "Show me a 20-foot fence and I'll show you a 30-foot ladder." In this case, people are boosting others over a fence that seems to be about 12 feet tall.


Bill Quimby




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These guys didn't climb any fence! They simply walked right thru the tore down barbed wire, and then proceeded north thru our prized whitetail habitat. Fences only slow them down. We need more agents, and take the restrictions off of them, and let them do their job.

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I know who took those pics and EXACTlY where they were taken..


I know its kinda unusual to actually see the pics of it actually happening, but come on folks, this craps happens in the southern reaches of your state day in and day out.. EVERYDAY, ALL DAY.. BP or not, it won't stop. Its the simple principle of suppy and demand. If there is a profit to be made off of something, that something WILL find its way into the buyers hand.



... think you're alone in the 36 units, think again. Rest assured, there's a pretty good chance that someone is watching you while you're out there. Just remember when you get that tingley feeling and the hair stands up on the back of your neck, there's prolly good reason. Listen to that sixth sense that nature gave you.

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