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Diffrent buck year to year?

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Went and checked cameras this weekend and got a few solid bucks hitting the cameras. But have to guys ever seen different bucks run together year to year. Last year we had 2 different groups of bucks that were always together and hitting cameras almost every other day during the summer but within a few weeks of going hard horned they disappeared. Now this year, 2 of the bucks " one from each group" Are MIA haven't seen them and one I know would stand out and haven't heard of him getting tagged. The bucks they were running with are back and running with a few smaller bucks. There really isn't any hunting pressure where we are. So kinda stumped. Anyone ever have this happen to them?

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Lions! I would guess lions kill as many or more deer then humans in most units.

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agreed, We just though it to be strange that 2 of the 3 biggest bucks have yet to show face all year. And they all took off shortly after going harded horned last year. Just find it strange they were almost on camera every day for almost 3 months and now nothing. Hope the one buck is still around He's my #1 for next year if he shows up.



On a side note we do have quite a few lions up there. But seems this year they arnt on camera as much as well.

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