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Covert MPE6 Too Sensitive

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I purchased 6 of these to go with my other cameras put them out 6 weeks ago. Checked them yesterday and today. They were setup on the ground and in trees. Had them all set on 2 shots/30sec and 2 shots/1min. All pointed north or south. Cleared most brush and limbs that I thought would trigger them. They all took pictures nonstop during the day at any sign of movement,shadows. Filled my 8gb cards in 4-5 days. They seemed to work properly at night. Any body have this problem. There seems to be no sensitivity adjustment. Any tips? Tape sensor?

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Have to change it too low sensitivity. Make sure branches not in front of it.

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The only solution at this point is to empty the mag on your sidearm into it. I'm sorry, has to be done.

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Lol. I have 6 of these cameras. That's way to much ammo to waste. Thx though.

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I had this happen to one of mine a couple years back but it was for their black 60 model. After talking with their customer service they told me I had to download their latest update from their website onto the camera. It fixed the problem but I'm no longer a fan of covert because of it. I believe a camera should work correctly right out of the box! Not find out it needs updates and doesn't function properly after you already have it in the field! I hope this is not the case with yours because you will have your work cut out for you with 6 cameras.

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I don't know about the mp6, but the mp8 is a great camera. I've been running them for 2 years and haven't had a problem in the least. Good luck with your camera. I like the comment someone said about emptying your sidearm into it. LOL

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Coverts suck. Sorry, but honest. Put electrical tape over thier sensor so only about a 3/8" square of it is showing. This WILL fix the issue

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may sound dumb but how big is the tree your mounting them too? We had the same issue with a different brand camera we think it was because the tree was blowing around in the wind and moving the camera its self. Just pulled cards this weekend and had 9600 pictures in 3 days lol. The other cameras we run are all covert mp6 and mp8 haven't had any issues

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