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Best time to hunt the burns?

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I am researching a couple new units that have had multiple burn areas in the bast 10 years and was wondering which burns would be my best burn for my time this year. My expectation is to visit them all eventually. Would burns in the past 1-3 years or 3-5 years or older burns be my best bet? Do you find more animals in the more recent burns or are they preferring a couple years before hammering those areas? What are you experiences and thoughts?

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I am about to find out. 36000 acres burned in my elk unit this year with my hunting grounds taking the brunt of it. I was up there about 3 weeks ago and it was starting to green up where the sun had penetrated the canopy. Elk sign was scarce to non existent there. I moved 3 miles to where it had not burned and saw a herd of 100-150 elk and sign everywhere. I am thinking they shifted out of the burn.


I have talked to a couple of very good elk hunters and a former G&F biologist and they all said the same thing, if there is enough early rain to get a greenup going the burns will be as good as anyplace in the unit. The 2nd and 3rd year is when it can be really good. One of them said 90% of the elk they kill come out of burns.

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moisture dictates when they will show up, and like Creed said it may not be the first season after the fire, unless it was an early fire


you need to be careful hunting burns, many of the trees have their roots burned out and will come down with a slight breeze, and they don't make any noise when they fall unless they hit something on the way down, firefighters hate working in an old burn because the hazzards increase with both footing and falling snags

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Great PSA azslim. I have seen big trees in burns fall for no apparent reason. Winds can make them a dangerous place.

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Elk love the burns. But they don't stick around for too long though once hunting season start. After the hunting pressure begins they tend to leave, or at least stay out during the days. The burn has to be a few years old too. Grass and other plants have to grow in the burned area to attract them to a good food source.



Here's a small bull I called in a couple of years ago in a burn. It's a horrible picture, but you can make out his body.



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I am about to find out. 36000 acres burned in my elk unit this year with my hunting grounds taking the brunt of it. I was up there about 3 weeks ago and it was starting to green up where the sun had penetrated the canopy. Elk sign was scarce to non existent there. I moved 3 miles to where it had not burned and saw a herd of 100-150 elk and sign everywhere. I am thinking they shifted out of the burn.


I have talked to a couple of very good elk hunters and a former G&F biologist and they all said the same thing, if there is enough early rain to get a greenup going the burns will be as good as anyplace in the unit. The 2nd and 3rd year is when it can be really good. One of them said 90% of the elk they kill come out of burns.


I think I saw you. I was in the blue dodge. Thanks again for your help/info if it was you


I went to the burn area that weekend as well and only saw squirrels. No sign of anything. They said this area was just contained at the end of June. I am going to go out there next weekend to do a camp/scouting trip. I do want to make my way to the outer edges of the burn to see if there is any activity.

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