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Unfilled Tag, But lots of Fun

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I thought I might start a post for all of us who unlucky enough to fill or tags this weekend.

I may have not filled my tag but I had a great time. In about a day and a half I ended up seeing at least a dozen bucks, mostly fork-horns but a few three points. One three point I would say was in the mid to upper 80's. I had my heart set one a big one knowing that I had a rife tag for the same area in Nov. The weather was awesome, for August, I had clud cover the whole time and just a little rain Saturday morning. I also saw three big Javileans, who ran off one of the good three poins. Didn't have any shots or any close calls but did I mention it was a blast, Seeing at least 12 bucks is a good day in my book.

On a depressing note, I ran across a doe, who sure looks like was shot by poachers. :angry: I'll save you from the nasty pics, she was about a week old, but there is a whole right in the center of her vitals that sure looks like was caused by a bullet.

Anyone have any good stories of those bucks that got away?

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I could not find javelina to save my life! I think they are so nocturnal that they are very hard to find right now!


too bad about that doe!!!

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Did you report that doe? May be some good info for the G&F, regardless of poached or natural causes.

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I agree with Tines, I think the G&F would like to know the location of the doe. Also glad you had a good day out.



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I hunted in unit 23 this week end and only seen ten doe's there is a lot of sign of bolth deer and elk but there is also hundreds of people. It seemed no mater how far you walked you could still hear the quads but over all had a great time in some nice country.

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It's been reported. I just talked to the manager in the area. He was acualy in the area and saw my truck, he mentioned the "CouesWhitetail.com" sticker. I emailed the location and the pics to him, its in their hands now. I have to say that they must have a heck of a time trying to investigate poaching cases. It had rained sence it happened, so the best evidence they can hope for is a bullet.

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Yeah that crap makes me sick. Poachers are losers. I also kept the tag in the wallet this weekend. Hiked for miles and only saw 5 deer. It was a new area for me that I am trying to scout out for my leftover oct. tag in unit 34B. However, the highlight of the weekend came friday evening as I glassed up my first mountain lion. I only watched him for about 30 seconds but he sure was a brute. And he scared up a seventy inch three point too. Unfortunately I only had my bow, and that lion was inbetween the buck and I so I didn't go after the seventy incher, But it was awesome.

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whether the does was poached or not it appears that it was hunters will be blamed... I drug an antelope doe off the highway the other day because she looked like she had been shot... I just didn't want anybody to blame hunters for something poachers did...




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I glassed up two bears in two different canyons, two herds of javelina and no bucks. Awesome day in the field for me!!!!

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Just got an E-mail from the manager who check the doe out and it turns out that she probabley just died of old age, she was 11+ years old. I felt bad sending him out there. I should have looked at her a bit better but I was a little busy looking for live deer :D . He is a great guy and hopefuly I'll be able to find some time to do a ride along with him.

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