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It's Almost Time

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Had two in 5B south, will be heading Thursday for the weekend, will take some pics.

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Saw three different bulls rubbing their horns yesterday. One bull about 355-360 was still running with a 360-370 bull. Watched both rub their horns from 40 yards for the first time (velvet and blood dripping from their horns). Seems to me this is about one week late for this size of bulls to start rubbing their horns. What I recall is about August 10 should have been the normal time for them. Anyone else think the rubbing activity might be a week or so late this year? Could be from the unusually dry spring.

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A buddie of mine said about 50% of the bulls he seen last weekend I believe in 27 or 1 were already rubbed. I was up by flag and everything still had velvet that we saw.

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