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Cherry Creek Road FR 203 Permanent Closure

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  On 7/28/2016 at 12:52 PM, Tac said:

The road that really bugs me is in the sunflower area it had great access but some guy drove his jeep into a running stream and drown so they closed it because the state was getting sued

It was a group of boy scouts in a van.

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  On 7/29/2016 at 3:03 PM, MULEPACKHUNTER said:

Um, um, if you are disabled and can't walk at all? Um, no more hunting?


If you are disabled you wont be hunting Cherry Creek area anyways. Keep all the main dirt roads open, close the ones that werent ever supposed to be designated roads. I think that is what the Forest Service is doing anyways. Which is the right thing to do. Still hundreds of dirt roads for normal people to hunt, but give the guys who like to get away from all the BS a place to hunt too.

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  On 7/29/2016 at 4:58 AM, Gunit said:

Close all the roads? What about persons with disabilities that are unable to walk at all? Many of you are taking a a very short sighted view as any of you can be one car accident or fall from not being able to walk into your favorite hunting spot. In most of these areas the roads were built for cattle, timber or mining not by wildcat off-roaders.


The goal of the TMR is to create de-facto wilderness areas out of vast areas of public land. They cut the access,then the use goes way down until there is no public outcry to maintain access, then they close it completely.

And let the wolves out

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Thank you for the map Swivelhead. I had to stare at it for a while to take it all in. Mostly I support road closures when every ridge has a road and frequently a quad, but Cherry Creek?


We all really need to be together on this. Fighting among ourselves just means we lose. There is a considered way to close roads that need to be closed and keep open the ones that give us access. It will be sad to see Cherry Creek go, but I will admit I would love to backpack it once the trucks and quads are gone.

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here is a thought for you to ponder, the TMP was signed by Clinton in his last days, we are slowly being shut out of our Natl Forests throughout the west, this further reduces the number of people that hunt, in 30 to 50 years hunting may be gone which eliminates one big argument about gun control, we use them for hunting, end result "goodbye guns". I'll be dead by then, so doesn't impact me, but my grandson won't have the opportunities that I had. The Dem party is patient and to them the end justifies the means.

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as most issues - this came to the attention way late in the process -


time has passed to actually make an objection


I've been trying for 2 yrs to "close" an ole jeep trail that gets washed out every moonsoon and is a hazard to even walking because its a creekbed that deadends- goes no where - little over 1 mile in length -


it will officially be listed on the map as a road - with a # - so much for using their process to object


like quads / razors need to use this for any other purpose than destroying exisiting habitat - they drive in they turn around drive out - just waiting now for some of these idiots to meet headon on the side bank of this narrow washed out "road"

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I don't think that Yellow bellied cuckoos are endangered. The government is full of them.

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  On 7/29/2016 at 4:40 AM, Swivelhead said:

Keep traditional access roads open. Close the "wildcat" roads created by the OHV crowd over the last 40 years. The anti access crowd has an amazing number of roadless/federal wilderness areas to use. Apparently, that's not enough, they want it all.


Ding Ding Ding!!!

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From my information - there were a total of 12 official objections to the Tonto Management Travel Plan


I know of 3 I sent in myself so at least 9 others took the time to actually object to any road closures or whatever to the final proposed travel Map

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