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Hunting 5B South

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Hello Hunters, I'am finding elk for my hunt in 5b south, took a cow out of here 5 yrs ago. Now I have a Bull tag, Sept 9-22 Archery looking for any help. Thanks





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If you want a giant bull you gotta pass on a big bull.


Don't pass on anything the first morning that you would shoot the last evening.

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Fnd the cows you will find the bulls, fun hunt my buddies have the same hunt. Seems like you have a good starting point with those bulls.

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If you want a giant bull you gotta pass on a big bull.


Don't pass on anything the first morning that would shoot the last evening.

Is this for real? ^

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If you want a giant bull you gotta pass on a big bull.


Don't pass on anything the first morning that would shoot the last evening.

Is this for real? ^



Yeah, not sure i agree with that one. i have done well over the years by hunting for a mature animal until the hunt winds down, then i go into freezer filling mode. i like big antlers and have taken my share of great animals, but i like venison too much to eat a tag. Kudos to the OP for posting some photos to look at along with asking for help. shows people that you have been trying to do some homework

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Of course it is real. Just two opposing trains of thought. Makes the hunter analyze what his expectations and goals are out of the hunt. Is he looking for meat, a nice bull or a trophy of a lifetime? Judging by his trail cam pics, and his admitted previous elk hunting in the unit, I'd say he has a decent grasp on what to expect from the unit, as well as the topography, roads and boundary. As such, the only things left to help him are discussions on gear/practice/etc unique to archery equipment and being mentally prepared for hunting bulls in the rut, with said archery gear. Calling a bull into less than 10 yards and having him thrash a tree, while bugling in your face, pissing everywhere and generally being pissed off that he cannot find the cow that he knows should be right in front of him can wreck havoc on a hunter that is not prepared. With it being as difficult as it can be to draw an elk tag for a rut hunt, the more prepared you are mentally for your preceived expectations of your hunt, the more satisfied you will be with the outcome. There is so much more to helping someone with their hunt then telling a guy "go here". My comments were nothing more than to get him thinking about what his realistic expectations were for the hunt.

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If you want a giant bull you gotta pass on a big bull.


Don't pass on anything the first morning that would shoot the last evening.

Is this for real? ^



Yeah, not sure i agree with that one. i have done well over the years by hunting for a mature animal until the hunt winds down, then i go into freezer filling mode. i like big antlers and have taken my share of great animals, but i like venison too much to eat a tag. Kudos to the OP for posting some photos to look at along with asking for help. shows people that you have been trying to do some homework


Thanks, I took my first Bull with rifle, then a cow. Taken deer archery now have a chance at a Bull, want meat for the freezer that's the reason I hunt. But would truly like a nice Bull taking Archery.

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I've hunted 5bs for years. Took a bull out of there last year on the Archery hunt. You should be in elk everyday as 5bs has a ton of elk. You will need to weed through all the 250"-280" Bulls to kill a bull over 320". I've seen some 350"+ Bulls in there but for the most part it's a 280-320" hunt. Good luck!

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problem - like most units - just before or the first /second day you'll see that huge herd bull 370+ class and you'll set your sights on him .


many a tag soup- looking for that huge herd bull - it happens every yr in just about every unit !


have fun - tag the bull that looks good to you. any those in pics is a great archery bull

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Had that hunt 4yrs ago got shots at some giants, but if its hot good luck.

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I've hunted 5bs for years. Took a bull out of there last year on the Archery hunt. You should be in elk everyday as 5bs has a ton of elk. You will need to weed through all the 250"-280" Bulls to kill a bull over 320". I've seen some 350"+ Bulls in there but for the most part it's a 280-320" hunt. Good luck!

^^^^^hes exactly right.....I've taken 5 archery bulls out of that unit. 2 spikes 2 in that 280"-300" range and 1 330" bull. You will be in elk every time you leave camp though.

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@OP That's awesome. Good luck on your hunt. I got drawn for the same area and same time frame. I am hoping to land my first elk. I really don't care which one I just want to fill the freezer. I went up there a couple of times already to check out the burn area around Happy Jack. Also to scout east of Turkey Mtn. Going out next weekend to camp and scout.

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@OP That's awesome. Good luck on your hunt. I got drawn for the same area and same time frame. I am hoping to land my first elk. I really don't care which one I just want to fill the freezer. I went up there a couple of times already to check out the burn area around Happy Jack. Also to scout east of Turkey Mtn. Going out next weekend to camp and scout.

I'll be out the 12th-14 and 26th -28 checking cams and scouting, archery deer and turkey also..

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