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So I just looked at my bonus points because I felt like getting kicked in the sack after not drawing one state tag (minus piggies) for another year. I now have a total of 71 points... Ouch


So how many in total do you all have? Am I all alone with this many?

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I have 77 points between Az, Utah, Colorado & Wyoming.

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I have about 80 in 3 States..I guess I better start using some up in Wyo and Colo .I aint getting any younger. 60 in 6 weeks. But then theres Dad 96 in 8 weeks..............BOB!

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55 just in AZ

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You're putting in in the wrong units. I have a total of 7 and I draw elk , deer, and antelope every two years. The units I hunt have 350+ bulls, plenty of big coues bucks, and 80"+ Antelope (even though I dont care about shooting a huge one, cant eat antlers) What on earth are you guys with that many points waiting for?

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You're putting in in the wrong units. I have a total of 7 and I draw elk , deer, and antelope every two years. The units I hunt have 350+ bulls, plenty of big coues bucks, and 80"+ Antelope (even though I dont care about shooting a huge one, cant eat antlers) What on earth are you guys with that many points waiting for?

A lot of us probably have 20-30 or more buffalo points. Perhaps 15 or more turkey points if waiting for a goulds tag. As far as your generalization about getting a tag every two years, I'm not buying it. Maybe on elk, definitely on deer, but there is no AZ antelope tag you can get every two years. You might beat the odds a time or two but not consistently.

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You're putting in in the wrong units. I have a total of 7 and I draw elk , deer, and antelope every two years. The units I hunt have 350+ bulls, plenty of big coues bucks, and 80"+ Antelope (even though I dont care about shooting a huge one, cant eat antlers) What on earth are you guys with that many points waiting for?

A lot of us probably have 20-30 or more buffalo points. Perhaps 15 or more turkey points if waiting for a goulds tag. As far as your generalization about getting a tag every two years, I'm not buying it. Maybe on elk, definitely on deer, but there is no AZ antelope tag you can get every two years. You might beat the odds a time or two but not consistently.


Ahh I see...My antelope hunting is done in Wyoming sorry should've clarified that. I prefer late season for bulls and with my loyalty and hunter ed point I draw late season bull every year or 2. Coues is a yearly hunt obviously.

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90 in AZ, waiting for:

#1 Strip tag

#2 Decent buff hunt (don't want to sit in a blind on a fence)

#3 5B lope tag

#4 Rocky Mtn Sheep (Got a desert 2010)

#5 Another Goulds tag

#6 " Elk tag

#7 Got a few points for Javi & bear


Not complaining, just waiting patiently. Had a lot of good tags over the years.

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You're putting in in the wrong units. I have a total of 7 and I draw elk , deer, and antelope every two years. The units I hunt have 350+ bulls, plenty of big coues bucks, and 80"+ Antelope (even though I dont care about shooting a huge one, cant eat antlers) What on earth are you guys with that many points waiting for?

Where do you antelope hunt every 2 years?? Not in AZ

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I don't know how you guys do it. I have been waiting on a good elk tag for a long time and can't stand it any longer. I hunt deer and javelina every year and antelope whenever I can get a tag. I cannot imagine waiting years and years for a tag.

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I don't know how you guys do it. I have been waiting on a good elk tag for a long time and can't stand it any longer. I hunt deer and javelina every year and antelope whenever I can get a tag. I cannot imagine waiting years and years for a tag.

I agree. A guy gets old too quick. I held out for quite a few years on deer waiting to draw a good Dec tag. Now, i cant wait to start applying and know im going hunting every year with my son, starting next year. Theres a lot of good units a guy can hunt, with quality animals every year or two.
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My 71 is just in Az and I don't put in for bear or buff..... But on a lighter note I did draw a jan Coues San Carlos tag and a Utah Muley tag the first time I tried so there is that...

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