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This is where we have to realize where they are coming from. Just as we may recognize a verse somewhere, they have their own religion.

We all must recognize that the people that we classify as anti hunters are really a religious group.

There is no way to compromise with a group whose ultimate goal is to end all hunting period...........

You have to realize they will fight for their religion until the end.


This will not work in our world today. but it would work in a real world.....If every illegal alien knew he would be shot, there would be no illegal aliens.


If every time an anti group spoke to the Commission, they got one of their previous "wins" taken away, they would shut up.


We do not have a Commission that can accomplish this.


We have to have a Commission with three people that are on the right track. On a positive note, we are only two away.

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Antis are more a cult than religion, they have nothing to base their beliefs on aside from a personal agenda. Hunters pass down their beliefs and their knowledge to their children, some accept it others don't, we very rarely gain a hunter from the non hunters, but we do lose them from our own families, be it from peer pressure or their own ideoligies, we should try to keep them as our supporters in some way rather than completely against us.


I am not going into the illegal issue, but I will say I ain't shooting anyone except to defend myself or my family and in an act of war, human life is way to precious to shoot someone for that, it is a problem and no one cares for a solution.

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To understand why I cringe when I hear a hunter saying "harvest," you need only to look at a definition of euphemism: Deliberately constructed language to conceal the truth or distort actual meaning. I.e., doublespeak, verbal squeamishness, political correctness.


A few examples of euphemisms:


Equine chiropodist -- Horseshoer

Waste management engineer -- Garbage collector

Loss prevention officer -- Security guard

Vision clearance engineer -- Window washer

Pre-owned vehicle -- Used car

Correctional facility -- Prison

Immortally challenged -- Dead

Retroactively abort -- Kill

Unplanned landing -- Crash

Recuperating from work -- Resting, sleeping

Deliver ordnance -- Drop bombs

Downward adjustment -- Fire employees

Optional swimsuit area -- Nude beach


To this, I would add "harvest" and "harvester."


Bill Quimby

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Bill are you saying along those lines it would be like this.



Harvest--Kill = ok


Harvester--Hunter = farmer is a better fit

I don't see it

It sure looks better than

Hunter--Killer = doesn't look good


I understand your point and if I was talking to another hunter my terminology would be normal, if I was talking to an anti my terminology would be the same, if I was talking to a someone at work about hunting and knew they didn't hunt but were really interested I would try to make hunting sound as enjoyable as possible, I would be honest, once you get to talking with them you can usually tell how to advance in the conversation. Funny though if I was talking to my seven year old buy and said I really hope I harvest and elk this year, he might just say don't you mean kill one, and I will explain that he is exactly right.

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This is what makes me mad about antis, hunters don't make people hunt, but antis want to make you stop. It affects them in no way, in fact we save the animals and keep healthy herds and populations, we do more habitat work than they ever thought of, and for that we are persecuted.


That is so right on . Now just substitute the word "anti" for "animal rights activist " and and the word "hunter" for the name of any other animal use group and you'll be getting real close to where I am coming from .

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This is what makes me mad about antis, hunters don't make people hunt, but antis want to make you stop. It affects them in no way, in fact we save the animals and keep healthy herds and populations, we do more habitat work than they ever thought of, and for that we are persecuted.


That is so right on . Now just substitute the word "anti" for "animal rights activist " and and the word "hunter" for the name of any other animal use group and you'll be getting real close to where I am coming from .


There is no use or good from a dogfighter, unless its that these guys pick up strays and steal dogs when they can to throw them in with their dogs to be tore apart. Dogfighting is a felony, and not only are animal rights groups against it so is law enforcement, and me.

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"However, most of our modern population lives in the city and are completely ignorant about hunting." Rembrant


I totally agree!


"The word harvest is fine, but everyone knows that to harvest the animal you must kill it. The way to look at it is to kill an animal humanely and use as much of the animal as possible you have harvested it, to kill an animal and let it go to waste you have simply killed it." Keith


I also agree!


I have only been hunting for a couple of years, however in my short 3-4 years, I have already been under attack for being a "DEER KILLER!". Ignorance is blisss I guess. Harvest, Kill, you have the given right to use which ever you choose. I am sad to say that I at times have been known to watch my words around some people. I do not however hide the fact that I do HUNT, SHOOT, KILL, HARVEST and EAT! Anyone who eats anything is this world has to "kill" something to eat, not just meat but vegetables, are they not growing then killed, harvested than consumed?


I guess everyone has to jump on someone's bandwagon at one time or another! P.C. is just another form of control! It will never end until there is total control. I only hope in the process we do not lose all our rights and our Constitution by which this country was founded! jimmya

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Different audiences require different languages.


I think this is the key. How many of you hate it when the AZ Republic calls an "illegal alien" anything but? (Don't want this to turn into a thread on that, it's just an example we can all relate to)


I used to talk to my soldiers in a different manner than I talked to the town "old maids" at a tea party, where I was representing the Regiment. I talk to my co-workers differently than I talk to customers. I talk to adults differently than I talk to my daughter.


This is "our house" - well, Amanda's house. I see no reason to be ultra-sensitive here. I don't worry about what an anti thinks - there is no changing their mind. I am sensitive to a non-hunter that may stop in. That's why I hate seeing photos that are gory, or vivid descriptions of bad shots.


To change "kill" to "harvest", on a hunting website? Sorry, I'm not buying it - although I understand the spirit of the sentiment.

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The euphemistic, PC version of my first deer hunt:


My Initial Search For An Ungulate


The roundish, orangey orb was just moving upward in the sky, as I slowly moved on both my elbows and knees toward the acme of the rise in the earth. When I reached the apex and peered afar across the sharp-edged depression in the ground, I saw the object of my search standing on the far away incline next to some vegetation with myriad spines protruding from its shape.


With deliberate movements, I lowered the wooden and metal tool in my hands until it came to rest on a slim wooden growth sprouting from the lateral edge of a major piece of flora. The iris of my right orb quickly peeked through the optical instrument, and it revealed the grayish ungulate I had diligently sought over the last three time spans that covered 24 hours each. I now realized my quest to gather sustenance was nearing its end. I centered the instrument's crossed wires on a spot that would cause the immediate expiration of the now motionless fauna.


Short ticks of the clock passed as I let the index digit on my right hand nestle into the metal semi-circle and come to rest against the tool's thin, curving activation mechanism. A short tick later, the digit moved rearward, causing the tool to jolt against the area where my arm connects to my upper torso. At that point, I realized the 140-gr. hunk of pointed metal was well on its journey across the abyss to its intended impact point. The sound of the collision with the hair-covered, untanned leather was quite audible. If everything went as planned, the projectile would grow in size, enter the area where air is produced and exit the untanned leather on the opposite side. That's exactly how the remainder of the event transpired.


Almost immediately, the results became obvious. The little mass of metal had let out all of the air, causing the impacted target to teeter and waver aimlessly. Finally, it made contact with the sloping earth and went still. I then realized I had just caused the passing of my first wild, four-footed fare for the dinning room table. The human female I had said "I do" to would indeed express her gleeful enthusiasm over my success of providing a multitude of consumable repasts.


I walked to the motionless hulk now resting peacefully on the terra firma. After removing my head covering, I recited some religious-like words to our male parent, used my hand to make a crude cross on my body and extended my gratitude to the big guy up in the skies.


The harvest was complete.

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Just love that one Tony!

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I have to agree with Bill, Tony, and many others on this thread. I think that using euphemisms is a cowards way out and lets the anti-hunters know that they have the power to make you try to sugar coat what you do (hunt and kill), even though it is a perfectly legal activity. This probably leads the antis to believe that some hunters might be just a tiny bit ashamed of killing an animal, and gives them hope that they can change that hunters mind.


I have a muzzleloader deer tag this year and will hunt hard in the hopes of killing a buck that I can butcher and enjoy eating.


Like somebody mentioned earlier, leave the harvesting to the farmers.

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You killer. That was good.




I am not going into the illegal issue, but I will say I ain't shooting anyone except to defend myself or my family and in an act of war, human life is way to precious to shoot someone for that, it is a problem and no one cares for a solution.



As a matter of clarification, I was not suggesting or implying that we should shoot illegal’s only using it to illustrate what happens when we adopt, accept or ignore certain things such as the progress the animal rights people have made. Similar to how we use words.

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No problem Dave.


Tony there may be people asking for an interpretation of that.

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Tony, it reminds me of my writing class, short lived, I took at Pima many years ago! The choice of descriptive words is not an easy thing for people like me. Very entertaining anyway! ;)


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Tony, that was beautiful and it said with humor everything I've been trying to say: Euphemisms fool no one and should have no place in a literate hunter's vocabulary.


Bill Quimby

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