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I'm getting excited for Dove season!!!!

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Anyone try up near Pleasant? Been slow shooting up the the past few years, may try up there after work tonight

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I love it as well, gets you tuned up for ducks and quail. Hope it's not too hot out there opening weekend.

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There were 4 in my group, and Zeke-BE showed up too. Good to put a face to a screen name.


I am pretty sure we all limited out. I had 15+3 Eurasians. Not as fast paced as last year, but we were all done easily by 8:00 being fairly selective on birds.


No pile of Feathers shots, but here was our view for the opener.


Legal shooting light.



And about 5 minutes later.



It was really nice to meet you Lance and your clan. It was good times. Slower than I thought, but Ill see you guys there saturday. I'm making it a little more crowed for us that with another gun and some kids to tag alone

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I could have limited if I wasn't such a horrible shot. Humbling to say the least, glad you all weren't there to see it.

That's me. Fully expect a 5:1 ratio on shots to birds. I've only limited once back when it was 10 birds. :D
In true form I took a girl I met off the internet with me 😳. She shot 2 boxes up and missed all of them. I shot 1 box, got 3 😂
How is naturegirl doing? 😝
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I could have limited if I wasn't such a horrible shot. Humbling to say the least, glad you all weren't there to see it.

That's me. Fully expect a 5:1 ratio on shots to birds. I've only limited once back when it was 10 birds. :D
In true form I took a girl I met off the internet with me 😳. She shot 2 boxes up and missed all of them. I shot 1 box, got 3 😂
How is naturegirl doing? 😝

Lmfao! Classic. She probably would have out shot me today fml.

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I could have limited if I wasn't such a horrible shot. Humbling to say the least, glad you all weren't there to see it.

That's me. Fully expect a 5:1 ratio on shots to birds. I've only limited once back when it was 10 birds. :D
In true form I took a girl I met off the internet with me 😳. She shot 2 boxes up and missed all of them. I shot 1 box, got 3 😂
How is naturegirl doing? 😝

Classic! Just spit my dinner out laughing!

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Managed a whole zero tonight, place up by Pleasant used to be rapid-fire, couldn't reload the gun fast enough, saw maybe 5 birds :(

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Better than where I went! Took my five year old son to our normal spot on his first ever hunting trip. Shot a bird over the river that ended up in the river and some a-hole comes screaming out from 100 yards upriver claiming I was trying to kill him and his family, using terrible language and physically assaulting me! He actually shoved me in front of my kid! Had he been alone they would still be looking for him. But he had another buck toothed red neck piece of trash with him. Claimed I was illegally hunting. Huh, sheriff told me I was perfectly legal. For some reason he was not convinced. Funny how this drunk red neck thought he knew the law so well but could not form a coherent word through his missing teeth. A-hole made my kid cry and ruined his first ever hunting experience through foul language, assault and fear. He backed off when I threatened to call the sheriff. What a great f'ing first experience for my son.

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Better than where I went! Took my five year old son to our normal spot on his first ever hunting trip. Shot a bird over the river that ended up in the river and some a-hole comes screaming out from 100 yards upriver claiming I was trying to kill him and his family, using terrible language and physically assaulting me! He actually shoved me in front of my kid! Had he been alone they would still be looking for him. But he had another buck toothed red neck piece of trash with him. Claimed I was illegally hunting. Huh, sheriff told me I was perfectly legal. For some reason he was not convinced. Funny how this drunk red neck thought he knew the law so well but could not form a coherent word through his missing teeth. A-hole made my kid cry and ruined his first ever hunting experience through foul language, assault and fear. He backed off when I threatened to call the sheriff. What a great f'ing first experience for my son.

That sucks I wish had went different and am sure you did as well. Good luck tomorrow

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Better than where I went! Took my five year old son to our normal spot on his first ever hunting trip. Shot a bird over the river that ended up in the river and some a-hole comes screaming out from 100 yards upriver claiming I was trying to kill him and his family, using terrible language and physically assaulting me! He actually shoved me in front of my kid! Had he been alone they would still be looking for him. But he had another buck toothed red neck piece of trash with him. Claimed I was illegally hunting. Huh, sheriff told me I was perfectly legal. For some reason he was not convinced. Funny how this drunk red neck thought he knew the law so well but could not form a coherent word through his missing teeth. A-hole made my kid cry and ruined his first ever hunting experience through foul language, assault and fear. He backed off when I threatened to call the sheriff. What a great f'ing first experience for my son.

you gotta be kidding me that's crazy and totally sucks. Dove hunting is sketchy as heck though. I asked some dudes this Morning what the protocol was for dove hunting around this one tank since I don't do it much and looked like A good way to get shot.

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dang! That's a bad first hunt for him!! I've met you a few times and your kid was there once I think? It's a good thing your a really nice guy!! I've known people that have actually fought over dove spots! Only since I've lived around a city though, never had issues living in a small town.

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I met a friend at a pond tonight. We were first there. Another truck pulls up half hour later and parks 50 feet from us. I'm used to it after hunting near a city for a few years now. They had a very well trained dog that I got a kick out of watching! Until I shot a bird and the dog retrieved it for them haha! I didn't say anything cause this dog was doing a heck of a job! I got pissed when they started hunting directly in front of where we were shooting.

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Another 4am alarm begins another great day of Dove hunting! Good luck and have fun!

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Got my limit 5 minutes ago

Jealous... Can't get out again til tomorrow, hope Florence is better than Pleasant

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