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What does he score?

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looks like a good bull. 330 type frame when he finishes with a 10-12" extra. i would say he finishes in the 340" range. great bull

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My first impression was 330, but not more then 340

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Am I the only guy here that can't see the download? Also, how many times can I download a virus before the download is irrelevant?

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I was thinking he was a little bigger than that with a month to grow I wonder what he will end up being not that it matters I don't have a elk tag and no where close to the pts to ever draw a tag for him atleast in his lifetime we were scouting for deer and happened upon him

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Am I the only guy here that can't see the download? Also, how many times can I download a virus before the download is irrelevant?

im with ya I didnt see chit.

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I don't feel weird at all about a dude sending me horn porn in a PM...just sayin'.

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Lol....maybe you should get an account on monstermuleys

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