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Deep Sea 4th of July

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I went back to Long Island NY for a few days and managed to get in two days of fishing. The first day we only managed a few skates and sea robbins. On the 4th we journeyed out 20 miles in search of thrasher and mako and managed to catch three blue sharks, which we released. We also had a swim by from a humpback whale.

The boat belongs to a childhood friend who eventually became my BIL. He has always been a boat guy and bought this one cheap as it was basically a rundown hull. He pulled out the small block and put in a brand new 454 and redid everything else with the help of my nephew. That is them taking off the motor cover.

The buildings in the far distance is NYC with the tallest building being the Empire State Building. One reason for the trip was to bring home my grandmothers family bible from the mid 1800's. It probably weighs close to 10 pounds. I'll post some picks in the Campfire.






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That is pretty cool, looks like a great trip. The family Bible is pretty dang awesome.

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