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Gotta love this "new" Nation

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Guest wdenike



One of the most high profile cases he has been on. And I guess the guy thought he'd rather be flippin hand burgers at a barbecue I guess. Only Genuine azz hat would not have been there for the questioning. But I guess he has run interference for the CLINTOONS in the past. Just another genuine POS.




Take care, Willie

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Times like this you have to thank God that our forefathers had the vision and the pure genius to set up a government with such checks and balances.


Think about it, what did Obama really accomplish? Immigration reform..... no, that was blocked over & over again. Gun control.... no, that hasn't flown, in spite of the overtly leaning media coverage. Affordable health care? Kinda on that one, but about 70% of his bill is still blocked and tied up in courts.


The only thing he's really done in 8 years is crank up racial tensions and make lazy dumb-arse people resent their bosses and the companies that feed them. i.e., he's fed the stupidity of the slothful.


Clinton will be the same. She'll accomplish nothing and blame congress for it all, which won't entirely be untrue, as they'll be blocking her every chance they get.


Nothing good is going to come of her term, but she will not be the end of our country. This country is ran by bankers and people with money, not by politicians. Politicians are just the puppets on the strings. Do you really think the rich & powerful will let some screeching corrupt harpie from Arkansas topple their money machine? Ha! Yeah right! And after that, I'll win the nobel peace prize for my significant contributions to witty interweb hunting forum commentary.


Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. But don't expect a whole lot to change on Jan 20, 2017. The dow will jump 500 points one way or the other as people over react, but for Main St. Americans life will go on just as it always has.

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but the main stream of life will never be the same .


we are a nation so divided I doubt we'll ever recover - the hole just keeps getting deeper and wider


sooner or later the people in the main stream will be pushed to the edge - when we can't see the other side -


we are gonna fall eventually because the stream of crazies will not stop crowding forward





Kinda like the rain in the mtns 50 miles away and your hikin in a little canyon - you see the commotion but hey its so far away - it doesn't seem like a problem


guess what by the time it gets to you - it's to late if your still in that little canyon

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The blind Bulgarian psychic, who accurately predicted 9/11, and other world events, made a bold prediction. She said the USA would be rocked by another civil war, and Obama would be the last President. A language translation cited that she may have meant ,last "Male President". She also predicted Europe will fall, and be controlled by communism.


Welcome to the twilight zone.

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I'm drinking and looking at land.

You fell down and can't get up?
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One positive: when the SHTF, 80% of the libs will die within the first month.


Without their the Facebook, Twitter or snapchat, they have no chance.


Most have no basic survivor or self preservation skills.


My Ruger 10/22 will feed me for a long time!

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One positive: when the SHTF, 80% of the libs will die within the first month.

Without their the Facebook, Twitter or snapchat, they have no chance.

Most have no basic survivor or self preservation skills.

My Ruger 10/22 will feed me for a long time!

I've never heard of Snapchat? Guess I'll be OK.
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