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Can anyone explain why they don't reduce the numbers, I understand there isn't much use in hunting them as far as a food source. What is their impact on native species, elk were introduced and have hurt deer populations and they really try to eliminate them from north of the river, other than that azgfd knows that elk are money makers and turn a blind eye to it, but these pakistani burros are allowed to do as they wish with little or no restrictions, I can imagine mountain lions would definately choose deer over a burro for the simple fact that these things can be downright mean, and I can imagine areas with little water or feed are going to be monopolized by the burros. Tony do you have any answers to that, or any theories.

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Tony do you have any answers to that, or any theories.


The burros on FEDERAL land and those within the Lake Pleasant county park, are a protected species and are SUPPOSED to be managed under the the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971. In SOME cases, when a population burgeons, the BLM or USFS will round up a bunch and put them up for adoption under the Adopt-a-Horse or-Burro Program, just as they often do with wild horses. BUT...I don't believe they can legally KILL them under the law, and there isn't much demand from the public to adopt burros. So most of them go unmolested.


One of the major problems in the past with many of the water catchments in the southwest part of the state where bighorn sheep roam have been burros. They can readily take over and destroy a catchment, thus causing sheep to look elsewhere.


As for Lake Pleasant, something will have to be done soon. Whenever I fish there, I can usually count on seeing four or five different groups in a few hours. And with no restrictive fences, they are free to roam out of the park into other areas. I'm surprised they aren't roaming the streets of Sun City yet as they do in Oatman, where they are considered a tourist attraction. -TONY

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Tony is right, any burro's on or having access to federal land are protected. (Guy's are doing jail time for shooting them) The feds do gather and ship out 6-900 from AZ every year. They take 25 to 50 from the lake plesant area every year. Most of them go to the Mid-west or the east coast to be pets.

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Tony is right, any burro's on or having access to federal land are protected. (Guy's are doing jail time for shooting them) The feds do gather and ship out 6-900 from AZ every year. They take 25 to 50 from the lake plesant area every year. Most of them go to the Mid-west or the east coast to be pets.



The funds would be better spent if the took twice or three times that many and made them into food for the Prisons and Jails and even suppliment the homeless shelters..... would save a ton of money just in shipping costs. :)

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I think a burro hide would be neet to have. Heard it said that the cross on their back is because one carried Jesus on palm Sunday. Tried to arrow one in unit 10 about 30 years ago, but the group wouldn't come into the water hole I was sittin on. At least on that day, they were smarter than the deer.


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