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Big Browns

Live Alberta Canada trip report

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Tracked him for 500 yards, never could find him. I'm so pissed at myself. When I shot last night He dropped right after the shot, then rolled over and limped off into the woods. I must have hit him high. I'm so mad at myself for making a poor shot!!!!!!


My last tag is now punched. I drew blood so I'm done. Now I get to help 2 other friends fill their tags.

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Stop in at a local store and see if someone has a dog to track it. I know the feeling, I lost a 6x7 in 6A about 3 years ago searched for days. We had a huge downpour that lasted for about 10 minutes and washed away any sign. Still sick over it.

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Listen for the wolves and crows.

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I need some advice. My Canadian hunting buddies are 100% positive the Bear is still alive. In their experience they say the Bear was hit high. They want me to keep hunting. I really don't know what to do. I definitely don't want to get Internet bashed for hunting another bear.


What would you do?????

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You do what you feel comfortable with. Who gives a sh!t what anyone else thinks or says. No matter what youll have someone sayin you shoulda been done but i can gaurantee you if they were in your shoes 90% of them would still be hunting. Especially after making the trip and paying the $.

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Rifle is still dead on. I screwed the shot!!!!

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I'd shoot another. If the guys who hunt them all the time say that the bear will be fine. If you looked for it for 3 days and found it rotten and useless then yeah, tag filled! But if I was in your shoes I'd keep hunting. By the way, no ones advise means crap on this site! We all just have opinions. Do what you feel is right.

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Not that you need my support, but given what you have stated, I wouldn't fault you at all for continuing to hunt. Were I in your situation, I believe I would.

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Having been in similar shoes if you made a solid attempt to recover the bear and had no luck and they are saying to keep going then do it. It's a personal decision and up to you but I truly wish you the best of luck as I'm sure so do many on here as we are living vicariously through you at the moment.

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It sounds like there are plenty of bears I would look for birds in the morning and if nothing start hunting again. Bears have low and forward vitals.

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....I would cry through the night, wipe away my last tears, doubts, and regrets. Then, be out on a nice ridgeline at

first light prepared and willing to do it all over again if necessary!

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