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Big Browns

If big foot was real?

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I just listened to the Joe Rogan pod cast with Less Stroud. If you haven't listened to it or any of the Joe Rogan pod cast's I highly recommend them. Very entertaining!


Less was talking about how he has been looking for big foot on his show. While I was listening to it, I thought about what if it was real? If big foot was real would I ever go into the woods agian? I don't mean real like they discover another type of ape. I mean a 10 foot monster looking type of creature. The answer for me is heck No!!!!!!!!!!!!


Would you?


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While hunting bears in a remote canyon coming out of Fort Apache, I came across some unnaturally large footprints in the freshly fallen snow. If they were not made by a bigfoot, then the dude who made them should certainly apply with the Guiness Book of World Records for admittance! I followed them for nearly a mile up the canyon before the brush became too thick and reduced my visibility under my comfort zone. Never saw or heard anything, other than the tracks in the snow. It was more curious during the entire experience, rather than scared or worried.

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One of these days some poor bastard is gonna get dressed up in a squatch suit to scare his buddies. He's gonna end up getting mounted.

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I might be off the topic , but there is no way Bigfoot could be real . Think how many trail cameras are made and out in the forest. Think how many cameras are put up in double top secret spots , you don't even tell your best hunting buddy where you set it up. If I was a trail camera company , I would offer some serious cash for anybody getting a picture of a Bigfoot with my camera design. There has to be millions of cameras out there , not one Bigfoot captured on a camera yet .

Just saying !

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One of these days some poor bastard is gonna get dressed up in a squatch suit to scare his buddies. He's gonna end up getting mounted.

Doggie style?

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