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DYI action bedding?

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So I'm thinking I'm a little bored and may glass bed a wood stalked rifle I own.


Any good tutorials out there. Or words of wisdom. Like didn't do hit hire a good smith

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Bed the action front and rear recoil lug and tang

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Don't skimp on the release agent and use good epoxy. There are some good videos on YouTube.

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Go for it, it's really not that difficult. For first timers I recommend doing just the recoil lug area to start with. You can do the tang and sides later.

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Larry's video on youtube is the one I always watch when I do mine. Make sure everything is properly degreased and dried, use plenty of release agent, and I highly suggest using good modeling clay. Cleaning it out can be a pain, but it's better than the alternative.

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Remove the trigger if you're doing the entire action and fill the trigger hanger holes with modeling clay. Use extra grease on the action screws and tighten the screws to about 10 inch pounds. You don't want to completely tighten the action as you will introduce added torque or stress to the action, which is what you're trying to eliminate. I've been using marine epoxy, which is what I have found best.

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I have done a few glass bed jobs on wood stocks. I have only used Brownell's Acraglas. It works.


As others have said, bedding the front recoil and rear tang area is safe and easy and a good place to start.


Prep is the most important thing. Spend most of your time with sanding/cleaning/taping/prepping. If you are going to go ahead and bed the action area you might consider sanding down the barrel channel so the barrel is floated.


Here are some pics from a recent job Note most will tell you to remove your scope before you bed a rifle...that's good advice, but if you look at my pics I put in dummy screws so the action was just "secured" in the stock during the bedding process, about 30 hours later it came out with just a light tap...release agent is your friend, don't skimp on it and your action won't be married to the stock forever.


There are a lot of videos and tutorials online that can help you get started.







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How do you know how much stock to remove. And how much bedding compound to pour in? I guess if you prep and the tighten 10lb torque then the compound will work itself out

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Whatever you do don't use modeling Clay unless you don't mind spending hours on clean up.

Plumbers putty is the BEST. Its just like the clay but without all the mess.

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