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Looking a book about Camping spots up north

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i used to have a book about all the Northern Arizona public camping grounds, it had info on all the lakes from Big Lake to Kaibab Lake, i've since lost it and would like to replace it. My family and I are planning a trip up north, not sure of the location yet. But i would curious if another member knows of a book with this particular criteria, I'd rather have a book with some rather up to date info on it. I can only stare at the internet for so long, i much prefer a book. Thanks in advance.

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Look up some from Bob hirsch

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You can Always use recreation.gov or reserveamerica.com and find most established public campgrounds and freecampsites.net for a little more primitive dispersed camp sites.

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That one on amazon, was my number one choice, Arizona Highways has one also, but after doing a little research, it got horrible reviews. I'm not against using the internet, i just prefer a book, kinda like i prefer a solid topo map.

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That one on amazon, was my number one choice, Arizona Highways has one also, but after doing a little research, it got horrible reviews. I'm not against using the internet, i just prefer a book, kinda like i prefer a solid topo map.


I'm a book guy myself. Hate the kindel/tablet ebook crap. The only computer reading I do is hunting forums & emails.

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