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Trout Experts: Wild Tiger Trout in AZ?

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Big Browns ... NONE OF THE GAME FISH WE ALL GO AFTER ARE NATIVE SPECIES ... as far as Trout go The Apache and Gila are the only ones that were Native to Arizona .... Gila Trout never that populous have not been reported in AZ for several decades, and there are not many places (most on the WMAR) you will catch Apache trout and even then it is rare you would catch many.


There are actually several locations in both AZ and NM with Gila trout, which have been stocked since at least 2000. All of them are not opened to fishing yet, but Frye Mesa has been opened since 2011. New Mexico also has waters open to Gila trout fishing. In addition to the WM res, the Little Colorado near Greer has Apache trout fishing, as do several other streams on state controlled land.


On Apache as I said Not many and Most reside on the reservation, did not say you could not catch them on state controlled land ... I have caught and released dozens off the little Colorado and Lee Valley (also caught quiet a few grayling there) ... As far as Gila , it has been a while since I have looked into them and did just see( according to a G&F article ) that they did in fact transplant a surplus from NM into Frey Mesa on February 27, 2011 and a 1 fish limit was set on the lake. They say they are on closed waters but I know the previous attempt ( I believe around 1990 )50 grew to about 150 fish and By 92 they were gone. Wonder what the numbers in the reservoir versus the creek are like.



thanks for the info on the Gila

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Big Browns ... NONE OF THE GAME FISH WE ALL GO AFTER ARE NATIVE SPECIES ... as far as Trout go The Apache and Gila are the only ones that were Native to Arizona .... Gila Trout never that populous have not been reported in AZ for several decades, and there are not many places (most on the WMAR) you will catch Apache trout and even then it is rare you would catch many.

I know what species are native and not native. I don't have a problem with the non-native species they have been stocking for decades. My problem is G&F constantly states they need to remove non-native species from waters so native fish can survive! They have poisned a lot of amazing trout streams, because the stream had to many browns. Now they want to introduce a non-native species that has NEVER been in Az. Again, they are being Hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Again, I think stocking Tiger Trout is a great idea! I'm only stating how G&F has killed thousands of Browns & Rainbows, becasue they are non-native and now they are stocking a non-native trout. It's Bull $hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's like saving the burros and wild horses!

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Adam you sure it's game and fish? I heard its the USDA Wildlife services mandating them to kill off the non natives? Game and fish takes the heat for doing all the work.


You are probably correct! Don't get me wrong, I'm not a G&F hater. I just don't like how they say and do 1 thing today and do another completely opposite thing tomorrow. Typical goverment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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