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Elk hunting tips for a new elk hunter

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I don't have any without my dumb a$$ being in them also. I still wouldn't post even if i had one that i wasn't in though. Just something i decided a long time ago. All about the animal. Never entered anything either , and never will. Just a personal call brother.

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Since i stopped calling ive killed my 3 biggest bulls, all over 385.



Sorry greyghost, i don't post pics of my kills and never have. Maybe a family members occasionally, but not my own. It's just easier that way, besides it's not about the person who kills it to me but more about the animal.



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Something smells fishy?

I'm ok with nobody believing me. I don't need others approval, and never have. There's something wrong with having to have proof these days to be believed. It makes no diff to me if someone believes me. I can't be baited into going against my personal belief of posting pics. The bulls are all sun bleached and will probably never be mounted either. On to the next. I'm just saying that doing the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing has been my ticket to success, that's all. How many times can the how to hunt elk be spun anymore. My hunting buddies know the truth, that's all that matters to me. Anyways good luck to all that have tags this year, and don't be scared to be diff from the masses, it works!!

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Some real good advice in here for the newb (I still consider myself one, since I've drawn one archery bull tag, back in 2012) but the best IMO was to go in silent and work the wind.


Start working on the calls now. Elk sound similar to each other but not all the same. I've heard bulls I was sure was another hunter because it came out of a Primo's tube without any character - then saw the bull making that bugle. If you're not getting the hang of the call, definitely don't use it unless you want to give your position away and spook the elk. Even if you're nailing it, I'd use it very sparingly. I'll bugle in the dark to get a location on bulls. I'll cow call to a morning bugle on occasion, but otherwise I only call to stop a bull for a shot and after. Never cow call in the daylight without being in a set up - I had 2 bulls come running in when I did that and I wasn't positioned and ready for them. If you're going solo, consider a decoy to place behind you by 30-40 yards.


As to the latest branch in this thread: I'm fine with anyone who doesn't want to post pics, although I do enjoy seeing pics of giant dead bulls. Could care less about the guy gripping and grinning, unless it's someone I know. I enjoy seeing pics of giant bulls that are still alive even more. You might want to change your name to giantassbullmagnet, though. Just sayin'.

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Since i stopped calling ive killed my 3 biggest bulls, all over 385.



i don't post pics of my kills and never have. Maybe a family members occasionally, but not my own. It's just easier that way, besides it's not about the person who kills it to me but more about the animal.



I don't have any without my dumb a$$ being in them also. I still wouldn't post even if i had one that i wasn't in though. Just something i decided a long time ago. All about the animal. Never entered anything either , and never will. Just a personal call brother.




Something smells fishy?

I'm ok with nobody believing me. I don't need others approval, and never have. There's something wrong with having to have proof these days to be believed. It makes no diff to me if someone believes me. I can't be baited into going against my personal belief of posting pics. The bulls are all sun bleached and will probably never be mounted either. On to the next. I'm just saying that doing the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing has been my ticket to success, that's all. How many times can the how to hunt elk be spun anymore. My hunting buddies know the truth, that's all that matters to me. Anyways good luck to all that have tags this year, and don't be scared to be diff from the masses, it works!!


for someone thats "all about the animal" why did you let 3 385" bulls sun bleach in your yard?

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Something smells fishy?

I'm ok with nobody believing me. I don't need others approval, and never have. There's something wrong with having to have proof these days to be believed. It makes no diff to me if someone believes me. I can't be baited into going against my personal belief of posting pics. The bulls are all sun bleached and will probably never be mounted either. On to the next. I'm just saying that doing the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing has been my ticket to success, that's all. How many times can the how to hunt elk be spun anymore. My hunting buddies know the truth, that's all that matters to me. Anyways good luck to all that have tags this year, and don't be scared to be diff from the masses, it works!!



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you don't have to show anything, this forum has become a bunch of old ladies looking for gossip and criticize people, use to be a great site, that is why you don't see so many people anymore, and i don't think i will be here anylonger, i know some of the old ladies will have somthing to say about this also, but who cares about ignorant comments, good for you couesmagnet and stick to your believes.

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