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Elk hunting tips for a new elk hunter

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So i drew the 3a/3c early archery tag and was just wondering what tips you guys have for me in elk hunting sense i really have never hunted elk before except just a tag along cow hunt. anything will help as what to do in mornings from calling to how to respond to a bull or talk to him or call him in. Maybe some food sources elk tend to enjoy that time of year? Anything will help and be appreciated.i am in process of listening to jay scotts pod cast on the unit and i am learning a few things from this for sure

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Quit now before the addiction starts.



Otherwise, read as much as you can on lessons learned. Check out bowsite. Go to the DCA elk siminar, Corky knows his chit. Find water. Don't worry about finding bulls early on. Find the cows and the bulls will find them. Once you've cow called, don't worry about being super quiet. You've just told them you're an elk and elk are noisy creatures. Whatever you do, don't stink. Elk hear you, they'll run for a minute. See you, run for a mile. But if they smell you, they'll be gone quicker than you'd ever imagine, and you will not be able to catch up to them. Speaking of catching up to them, if the terrain allows for it, I like to wear sneakers or trail shoes when chasing elk. I always find myself running to get back in front of them and try to set up for the shot. Know where they bed but stay out of them. Bust them from their beds and they are gone. Know how to use a diaphragm call and make sure you have one in your mouth when you draw back. Hit them with a few mews once your arrow smacks them. Stay away from the hoocie mama, and I'd bugle very, very sparingly.

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Exactly. Gotta be light, mobile and fast. I don't use my main pack when chasing bugles. Lumbar pack with blacked out suspenders to keep it from bouncing when running. Carry my water in a small bladder, keeps the air out so it stays quiet.

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Get up real early, Chase bugles as long as you can, cow call only and when you think they quit bugling chase it a little longer. Then do that for the 12 days. Report back with tree fiddy bull.

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Any call recomdations. Mouth call vs houchi mama? Bugle tubes? Do i really need to worry about calling if they are bugling good? When i taged along with cow hunt all we did was listen for the bugles and played the wind and snuck in and got it done.

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Follow the rain patterns on radar and noaa. Scout for where the cows are. A bull may be 5-20 miles from where you see him in summer to where his cows are come rut. Get some diaphragm calls and a good calling video to practice with. I have Elknuts old video "Bugling Bulls and Beyond". An estrus call like Norm Pint's (rip) is good. A hoochie mama is good for scaring the elk away, imo.

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Prepping for the hunt:

Step 1: buy several different diaphragm calls and keep the one or two that you can make the best cow call out of.

Step 2: spend some time in the unit learning boundaries and roads, landmarks, etc..

Step 3: find the COWS! Finding big Bulls is awesome but the Bulls will be on their way to where those cows are come September.

The hunt itself: get up early and stay out late. Do more listening than calling. The Bulls bugle more at night and before daylight than during daylight hours. Elk will be feeding in wide open spaces at night and will have exit routes into the woods right around day break. Find those routes and beat them too it. Just mind the wind! Toughest part. Once you've identified feeding and bedding areas you will know where the elk are heading in the mornings and evenings and be in there with them. Cow calling can be awesome! Sitting water close to known bedding areas can be awesome too!


Most important: don't waste time! If you aren't hearing/seeing any elk, you're in the wrong area! Pick up and move. When you're in a core area, you will know it. It always amazes me when people say they never saw an elk on their hunt. You have a great draw! I'll be right across the highway from you. Best of luck!

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I have found that the only time i ever use a bugle is when i locate a bull, after that i strap it on my back and dont touch it. for a bugle i use the Primos terminator, it has both a bugle and cow call in one.

the only time ive used a bull call and actually had success was when we hit the very peak of the rut, the bulls was goin insane, and they were tryin to kill each other, other than that have had very limited success. if i am going to call, i use my cow call, and even then if they are talking why should i?

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