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What's with all the clowning on cyber scouters?

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This thread reminds me of the time I was inside a popular archery store and a customer was talking to an employee about his kill...LOL


Customer: " So where did you shoot it ?"


Employee : " I shot it in the lungs"


Customer: " No I meant WHERE DID YOU SHOOT IT"


Employee: " I just told you IN THE LUNGS "

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The only thing worse than e scouters are the "experts" that respond.

I'm no "expert" but I know a thing or 2. But I only harvest all the little ones all the "real" hunters wont shoot..Haha

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I'm one of the guilty ones. My first post on CW was asking for places to start looking. I came across CW last year as I was drawn for my first coues tag. I enjoyed the forums as I was able to find some good tips and strategies in preparation for my hunt, I also found many of the "discussions" entertaining. Without much information to add, I never created a profile, just enjoyed being a spectator. That was until this year, my wife has been applying for archery elk now for a couple of years. Unfortunately, I rushed through her application and put her in for the late archery tag in 7E instead of the early hunt. Although I have spent time in that unit, I am unaware of what to expect for the late hunt. Not looking for a pinned location on a map, I created a profile and asked for some direction on where to start. Several members on CW were gracious enough to send me a PM and share some great information on places to start and what things I might expect during the hunt. I don't think anyone let loose of any secrets or gave up their "honey hole", but the information I did get gave me a better understanding of that particular unit during the late hunt. I responded back to every PM I got to say thank you for the information, I have even sent some PM's to a few people who asked for information in other units that I have been in. To be honest, several of the recent posts regarding e scouting, specifically some of the negative responses made by a handful of guys, have put a bad taste in my mouth about CW. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt most guys come on here looking for a specific spot to hunt in, from what I've seen, most are just looking for a spot to start. I don't see the harm in guys coming on here to ask, it's a public forum. If you don't want to help, don't help. No need to act childish about it.

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I like helping people. I just hate it when it's their first post you help them out. Then ask them afterwards how it went and no response ever again. At least give me the satisfaction of knowing if my tips help! Let me relive the hunt with you.

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I just hate it when it's their first post you help them out. Then ask them afterwards how it went and no response ever again. At least give me the satisfaction of knowing if my tips help! Let me relive the hunt with you.

exactly this ... Helped out many and only a couple never gave feedback .... I find it much easier to share with those who contribute to the site.


As far as starting Points the "where to Hunt " on AZGFD website has all you need to start for any unit.

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I'm one of the guilty ones. My first post on CW was asking for places to start looking. I came across CW last year as I was drawn for my first coues tag. I enjoyed the forums as I was able to find some good tips and strategies in preparation for my hunt, I also found many of the "discussions" entertaining. Without much information to add, I never created a profile, just enjoyed being a spectator. That was until this year, my wife has been applying for archery elk now for a couple of years. Unfortunately, I rushed through her application and put her in for the late archery tag in 7E instead of the early hunt. Although I have spent time in that unit, I am unaware of what to expect for the late hunt. Not looking for a pinned location on a map, I created a profile and asked for some direction on where to start. Several members on CW were gracious enough to send me a PM and share some great information on places to start and what things I might expect during the hunt. I don't think anyone let loose of any secrets or gave up their "honey hole", but the information I did get gave me a better understanding of that particular unit during the late hunt. I responded back to every PM I got to say thank you for the information, I have even sent some PM's to a few people who asked for information in other units that I have been in. To be honest, several of the recent posts regarding e scouting, specifically some of the negative responses made by a handful of guys, have put a bad taste in my mouth about CW. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt most guys come on here looking for a specific spot to hunt in, from what I've seen, most are just looking for a spot to start. I don't see the harm in guys coming on here to ask, it's a public forum. If you don't want to help, don't help. No need to act childish about it.

Welcome to CWT.com! What most people like to see if someone here takes this seriously. Not make a profile, and make their very first post is where can I go in a unit. First day I signed up I notice a lot of people put a lot of work into their scouts and hunt. So people need to understand some of us are sensitive to that. But once you join up and commenting and showing interest with the fourm people will start helping out more. I probably posted 80 post and comments before I asked for help in a specific unit. And all I asked is how to hunt burned areas in a specific unit. Lots of people help out. We love hunters but hunters with common courtesy for the hard work others put in. I'm glad you joined up and let's see a cool avatar and we will be hearing from you soon :)

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I'm one of the guilty ones. My first post on CW was asking for places to start looking. I came across CW last year as I was drawn for my first coues tag. I enjoyed the forums as I was able to find some good tips and strategies in preparation for my hunt, I also found many of the "discussions" entertaining. Without much information to add, I never created a profile, just enjoyed being a spectator. That was until this year, my wife has been applying for archery elk now for a couple of years. Unfortunately, I rushed through her application and put her in for the late archery tag in 7E instead of the early hunt. Although I have spent time in that unit, I am unaware of what to expect for the late hunt. Not looking for a pinned location on a map, I created a profile and asked for some direction on where to start. Several members on CW were gracious enough to send me a PM and share some great information on places to start and what things I might expect during the hunt. I don't think anyone let loose of any secrets or gave up their "honey hole", but the information I did get gave me a better understanding of that particular unit during the late hunt. I responded back to every PM I got to say thank you for the information, I have even sent some PM's to a few people who asked for information in other units that I have been in. To be honest, several of the recent posts regarding e scouting, specifically some of the negative responses made by a handful of guys, have put a bad taste in my mouth about CW. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt most guys come on here looking for a specific spot to hunt in, from what I've seen, most are just looking for a spot to start. I don't see the harm in guys coming on here to ask, it's a public forum. If you don't want to help, don't help. No need to act childish about it.


Dude we have all done it whether it was on a hunting forum or through friends and fellow hunters its no big deal and most guys really dont care the ones that do, well imagine what else they complain about..

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I just hate it when it's their first post you help them out. Then ask them afterwards how it went and no response ever again. At least give me the satisfaction of knowing if my tips help! Let me relive the hunt with you.

I have been fortunate enough to have around 90% of the people i have helped out, give me a run down of the hunt sucessful or not. Never hurts to get a surprise pack of backstrap steaks for my efforts either.. heck My buddy gave me his roof rack and light bar for getting him and his wife tagged out. I Help because i love the outdoors and if sombody wants to learn how to enjoy it by hunting, I consider it an honor to be the one to help them learn the ways to find sucess in doing so. we are very fortunate to have lots of public land in Arizona to hunt on, Part of that is having other people in "YOUR" spot. To me it just adds to the hunt to have to deal with "variables".

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I just hate it when it's their first post you help them out. Then ask them afterwards how it went and no response ever again. At least give me the satisfaction of knowing if my tips help! Let me relive the hunt with you.

I have been fortunate enough to have around 90% of the people i have helped out, give me a run down of the hunt sucessful or not. Never hurts to get a surprise pack of backstrap steaks for my efforts either.. heck My buddy gave me his roof rack and light bar for getting him and his wife tagged out. I Help because i love the outdoors and if sombody wants to learn how to enjoy it by hunting, I consider it an honor to be the one to help them learn the ways to find sucess in doing so. we are very fortunate to have lots of public land in Arizona to hunt on, Part of that is having other people in "YOUR" spot. To me it just adds to the hunt to have to deal with "variables".



Thats pretty much the unwritten rule.. I had one of the archery store guys give me some good tips and basically told me " if you get one you're bringing me the back straps no questions asked"

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killing something does not make you a hunter. Finding your prey and outsmarting it, as well is thanking the beast for the life it gave so you could EAT is what hunting is all about in my eyes. If you cannot feed yourself you deserve to starve. If you cannot find the game yourself you don't deserve to hunt. Go to the store and buy a steak.

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Love helping out ANYONE that cares to ask ?s about the outdoors...There success is my success...


You can give written step by step instruction and they still have to execute in there own...no harm in answering there ?s, There is so much more to the pie minus 1 piece...


Way more hills and valleys then roads in this state, We need to recruit and retain any chance we get, at some point in time our knowledge is going to have to benefit someone else. Sad to think I didn't share what has given me so much...


Keyboard quarterback's NEVER get intercepted, I'm one of them...IMO...

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I always give help and info to folks, but NEVER my sweet spots. but generally when people as for advise or help they arnt lookin for a trophy, just a small bull or cow.

so ill tell them where i know there is a ton of elk is but also a ton of people. so its not gonna bother me if they r in there huntin. and like its been said, just a starting point. the places

i like to hunt is where others arnt, so if there is a million and a half people there already why does it matter?

besides the world is already full of people who hate hunting, if walmart shut down for a week they would starve,

so why not try and lend a helping hand to someone who is at least trying?

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Well here is my experience. Three years ago I drew a unit here in NM as my third elk choice. It was a unit I had never set foot in. First thing I did was pull up Google Earth. Second thing I did was buy topo maps of the unit where I wanted to hunt. Third thing I did was go to the unit and put boots on the ground. I never went on the net and asked.....Drew this elk tag and never set foot in the unit, where do I start.


Then the hunt started. Plan A had way too many hunters too few elk so I went to plan B. Ran into a really helpful guy. We were both sitting a waterhole and he was going to AZ to hunt in about 3-4 days so I would have about 6 days after he left to myself. Not much pressure in the unit at that time. I told him he could have the waterhole as long as he was there so we wouldn't be fighting over it. He told me of a park 1/2 mile from camp to look into for elk. Was in elk the last two years. In a week will have the "official results" to hopefully be able to say 3 years in a row hunting that unit.


Told somebody on here gps directions for deer in there through PM and had an awesome experience. Figured we saw eye to eye on that and I was right. He was looking at scouting with somebody else that posted here for help and contacted me first and asked how I would feel about the two of them hunting the spots I gave him. Hopefully one day we can hunt together or maybe just camp out. The reason I did it was I got to read numerous post and get a feel for personality. How can you do that with somebody that has 1 post?

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I've said it for years, elk bring out the worst in people! Doesn't matter if it's online, in the woods or even in jr camps( yes I have witnessed egos and attitudes on jr cow hunts). Everybody is a bada$$ and everything is a secret. It's the number one reason I quit guiding.


Sheep hunters tend to be great, Coues hunters, while secretive about spots, tend to help quite a bit. But mention anything about elk and you might as well put on gloves and invent new names to call each other.

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