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Ernesto C

I really liked Verizon

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And yet he eats meat, wears leather shoes, rubber soled running shoes, leather seats/tires/anti-freeze in his car, listens to music from a violin or drums, loves watching fireworks, probably has some old vinyl records, eats Jello, 35mm film, chewing gum, marshmallows, white or brown sugar, Downy, plastic grocery bags, Guinness beer, Crayons, lubricated condoms, cologne or perfume, plywood in his house, toothpaste, a lot of soaps shampoos & conditioners, and lipstick and nail polish for his significant other.


I love slapping hypocritical "vegans" and animal rights activists in the mouth with this info. ALL of the above products contain animal by-products. I guarantee the animal rights activists use these products.

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Imagine taking a selfie next to your sick pet that you had to shoot! That's sick and twisted!! I don't use vets to put my animals down, I do it myself. It's hard but I do it. "Trophy hunting" which is a bad word is done because the money goes to helping the herd and villages (assuming he's only referring to Africa hunts) and when it comes to elephants, only the old one who aren't good to the herd are allowed to be taken. I wish people could understand the entire situation instead of being one sides.

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Since when did Eurotrash, elitist, Nancy boys get to be the spokesman for Africa, their people and their culture?? These are the same types that love Muslims yet totally ignore how they treat women and gays.

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He should be fired just for his language alone........oops....back down off the altar!!!

No, that's a dog needing kicked.
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