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Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

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E-scouters beware: If a person really knows the area they wont tell you the good spots. If they are braggers they will tell you seat of their pants BS. You will enjoy the hunt more if you do the work yourself and learn something. Hard work = lucky. When you e scout: the info is broadcast to hundreds of people. When you get a tip on the internet then expect to be hunting with other e scouters.

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Thanks again for the advice guys,


As for all the nay Sayers, I have done my own homework. As soon as my card was hit I bought the exclusive map app on the game and fish website, I also began using Google earth roaming over all the units I applied for, not even knowing where I was drawn for yet!! Then when I knew where I was drawn for I purchased a 4B map from world wide maps. And last if you notice my second post, I mentioned my trip to the unit this weekend (my first weekend off since the draw) to do my own leg work. Every one at some point in time has set foot in a new unit for the first time. If you don't have any advice for a fellow hunter who shares with you if nothing else the love for the hunt with family and friends , then just move on to the next post, and try to share something positive...

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Dont worry tommyboy, some guys would just be happy if they were the last hunters on earth and had it all to themselves. No sense of passing it on or helping others. They think its some big secret and they are the only ones who know an area.

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Haha there's no secrets to 4b. There's elk in nearly every area of the unit until you get up into antelope country and even then there's decent numbers of elk. I think the biggest thing was your first post was wanting info. There's a ton of guys that do it every year come and get info and are never heard from again until the next time they draw. They don't post anything that helps others or post anything for that matter. As long as you plan on sticking around and donating some good info to the site or even just being a part of it posting every now and then I don't think people will care and will help you as much as you want. There's just a lot of people that know they can come to coues whitetail and ask about any unit and any hunt and someone is gonna help them out. Which is great because it's nice having that source of info. Just don't be like a lot of them that only want the help and don't give the help.

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Haha there's no secrets to 4b. There's elk in nearly every area of the unit until you get up into antelope country and even then there's decent numbers of elk. I think the biggest thing was your first post was wanting info. There's a ton of guys that do it every year come and get info and are never heard from again until the next time they draw. They don't post anything that helps others or post anything for that matter. As long as you plan on sticking around and donating some good info to the site or even just being a part of it posting every now and then I don't think people will care and will help you as much as you want. There's just a lot of people that know they can come to coues whitetail and ask about any unit and any hunt and someone is gonna help them out. Which is great because it's nice having that source of info. Just don't be like a lot of them that only want the help and don't give the help.

+1. If you get back on here and keep us updated with scouting pics etc you'll be blown away by all the info people will help you with over the years. Throw up a pic of you and your son with your elk this coming sept! Good luck!

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Absolutely, I plan to let my all my new friends here know how they help me along the way.. I'm no beginner, I have plenty of knowledge to share as well, although I can only help out in units 9, 10, 18a, 18b, 11, 6a , 7 and 8. let me know if anyone can use my experience in these areas.. Thanks guys will be back Tuesday from my scouting/ shed hunting trip..

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I would disagree that the cows are harder to kill than the bulls. It's during the rut and I can't tell you how many times I've been after a bull and within range of all his cows multiple times when they bust out of there are never had a chance at the bull.

A cow hunt is always harder cuz those dang cows can always smell your mail!!!!!

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Agree on the cow hunts being tougher...seem to always be cows when hunting bulls, but tough to get close when after the cows. We even tried chasing bugles hoping to get in on a group of cows with a bull and just found solo bulls. A lot harder than I expected and pretty frustrating.


I will say that during the hunt as soon as people know you have a cow tag they'll tell you everywhere they've seen them, so lots of good help from other hunters.

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Lol on cow hunts being harder than bull

Bull elk in the rut is about as easy as it comes. Cow hunts during that time of year are harder. When you ask most hunters about getting the bulls during the rut their biggest nemesis is how to get past the eyes of all the cows. Even bull hunters admit it openly the cows are the hard part. Bulls are dumb and stupid that time of the year.

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To me there's no question about cows being harder during the rut! Bulls are much easier to call in than cows. If you have a good water source and its dry.....different story but if it's wet as it often is in 4b in September and there are relatively few places to glass any distance so that's out. You are down to hearing bull bugles and hoping they have cows or wandering into a single or small group of unoccupied cows. I've hunted many many seasons in 4b over the years and I e had way more opportunities at bulls than cows.

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If you hunt herd bulls, not p!ss heads you will notice there are a lot of cows to get through to kill the bull. Small bull elk in the rut are easy but big bulls are a whole new beast. You could make the argument with immature bulls, but not big herd bulls

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Yes same time. The cows are harder to kill than the bulls.



just when i thought you couldnt get any dumber


But then again i consider coues WAY easier to hunt than muleys

you go and say something like this.........and totally redeem yourself!!


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If you hunt herd bulls, not p!ss heads you will notice there are a lot of cows to get through to kill the bull. Small bull elk in the rut are easy but big bulls are a whole new beast. You could make the argument with immature bulls, but not big herd bulls


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Who cares if his first post is asking for advice. We all got advice from someone somehow. If i hunted that unit id gladly give all of bc777's spots to you. Lol

He can have all my 4b cow elk spots he wants. I'll draw him a map. And your statement of we all got advice from someone somehow is not true. Many people go into their unit without knowing anything about it and figure it out. I don't have a problem helping people as I've helped multiple people in multiple units but at least go give it a shot by yourself first and learn it somewhat instead of just wanting people to tell you where to go.


can I have all of your Unit 8 Sept Bull spots? thank you in advance! :rolleyes:

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