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Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

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My son and I drew 4B this year and have never hunted there before, so I'm looking for anyone with and tips they are willing to share. Its my sons 1st archery tag so we are really looking forward to having some luck.. Thanks!!!

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Yes just moved to this area, have always hunted 9,10, and 18A, and we are starting to learn the areas closer to home and work.. Thanks for your reply..

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Call me ......Dave 602-228-1719

Will do Dave, we really appreciate the offer!! Working late every day till next Tuesday, Wed, so will call then. Heading up there to start the scouting process this Saturday for mission #1 learn the roads and area..

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Go on azgf website and read their info on what areas good for elk

buy a map

Google maps

Find water

Set up trail cameras

Actually get out to the unit and look for fresh sign

Talk to your buddies

Last and least boots on the ground

Make sure you get a plan A B C and D because of other hunters and weather. Don't put all your eggs in one basket because there might be another hunter in your spot. Use common ethics!!!!


Lot s of elk in the unit

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I would hunt north of the 260.

There's more elk south of the 260 though!!!
Might want to try the south side later into the hunt!

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South side is a different unit. So, don't do that.

Haha he is just screwing with the guy because his first post is asking where to hunt. We were just talking about it in another post.
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There are a lot of elk in 4b with higher density being in the area south of the 504 rd. Don't over look the north PJ country but for highest density stick to the southern half. Get up 3 hrs before light and listen for bugles. Get the wind right and head them off. Won't be hard to kill a cow in there.

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Who cares if his first post is asking for advice. We all got advice from someone somehow. If i hunted that unit id gladly give all of bc777's spots to you. Lol

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Who cares if his first post is asking for advice. We all got advice from someone somehow. If i hunted that unit id gladly give all of bc777's spots to you. Lol

He can have all my 4b cow elk spots he wants. I'll draw him a map. And your statement of we all got advice from someone somehow is not true. Many people go into their unit without knowing anything about it and figure it out. I don't have a problem helping people as I've helped multiple people in multiple units but at least go give it a shot by yourself first and learn it somewhat instead of just wanting people to tell you where to go.

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