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Goulds / Merriams & smoke

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Just in time for turkey season . My 15 year old sons goulds, my 5 bearded Merriams , both posing for the attention of a smoke phase hen . No idea why it turned the last 2 sideways .





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Congrats, to top it off the Gould's is banded. Would you mind showing us a close up of those five beards?

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Very nice. I'm hoping that the 19 points I'll have for next spring's draw will finally get me my Goulds!!


And don't rub anything in either, Bill! :D

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yea the goulds is banded with a NM band....... pretty cool.......to bad NM game and fish turkey biologist would never return my calls to get the history behind it... my son shot it with his bow at 34 yards......


there are 5 color phases of turkey , the 1- regular "normal " color, 2-albino - very rare for true albino, 3- melinistic ( black )4- the smoke/grey, and 5- erytristic ( red phase) .....

I've seen 4 of the smoke-grey phase.... 2 in az and 2 in NM, 1 gobbler and 3 hens.....


yea jeff that jackalope has been sitting on the shop bench waiting for ya... :)

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