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***SOLD PENDING FUNDS***: Browning A-Bolt II micro hunter in 7mm-08

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This is the more compact version of the Browning A-Bolt II, with a shorter stock and 20" barrel (basically, a youth/ladies rifle). Rifle is gently used, with about 100 rounds put through it. Includes a few nics/scratches on the stock, but nothing major (normal wear). Has a nice Pachmyar decelerator recoil pad, and a gunsmith tuned trigger (about 3.5 pounds). Also includes a Leopold VX-I 2-7x33mm matte finish scope, mounted in Leopold double-dovetail rings, and flip-up scope covers.


Got this for my girls when they were younger & getting into hunting. But now that they're about full grown (and 5'11"), they're ready for "bigger", and have started taking my rifles :). Time for this rifle to help another youngster (or lady, or just someone who appreciates smaller rifles for packing, brush, etc.). If interested, I can share a few loads that have worked very well in it.


**SOLD PENDING FUNDS** Asking $525, face-to-face here in the West Phoenix area. And in case anyone is wondering, it also includes the "pink camo" soft case. :D






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I am surprised Lark didn't jump on this.

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