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First time archery elk hunting Unit 6B - Advice on materials and scouting

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IF you are not looking to spend $100-200 on a pack you might want to look into a traditional ALICE pack or modified HELLCAT. Love mine. Holds as much weight as you can.


Get a good pair of boots.

Start learning all of the water sources in your area and start scouting there. No water = No animals plain and simple so its a great place to start.

I wont go on a single hunt without my HAVALON knife for skinning. Its one of the best investments I ever made.
+1 to a single reed call call.

Lover swhacker broadheads 125gr for elk.

Get your bow tuned up now and start practicing.

Pack warm/cold/rain gear


Your best bet would be to take a weekend every month and just over night in your unit to learn it. You'll be leaps and bounds head of most other hunters.



Some of the stuff you need will depend on how you'll be hunting. Are you packing in? Solo or will you have people with you? Terrain & time frame you'll be out?

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Learn the road system in your unit, wear out some boots scouting. Look for last years rubs, it's a good indication where they'll be this September.


Congrats on your tag!

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Congrats on the tag!


Been in 6b a little bit!


The good. Have been in lots of elk in that unit. Usually lots of tanks so elk are throughout the unit. Very few places I haven't run into sign of them around. Has a quiet area so you can try to get away from people.


The bad. Lots of roads! Even though many are closed, people will drive them anyway! Elk get pushed around a lot because of that. The unit is divided by sacamore canyon which is huge. I personally haven't seen any on the southern half. Not saying they aren't there, just haven't seen any. So again, lots of pressure on the north half.



Good luck, I'm sure I can add more later, just really tired right now!

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Go drive the roads and learn the access points this summer. I've hunted 6b quite a bit. Leave your cow call at camp. Go in silent. Keep an eye on the sheep herders, they are kind of a pain up there during the season. They will take over a water hole and move the elk out. Cover up spray doesn't work, the wind is either in your favor or not. If you only have a week to hunt make it the 2nd week. Shoot me a pm. I'll share a few more ideas with you.

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