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Big Browns

Kids & Guns Safety Reminder

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Last night we had an incident that occurred at my house that is very embarrassing. Even though I’m embarrassed I want to share my experience so others won’t make the same mistake we did.


Last night my wife & kids entered our room. My wife opened our safe so she could put some of our kid’s birthday money in their wallets. When she removed the wallets from the safe she turned around and placed them on our bed. The bed is only 2 feet away. At the same time I was laying on the bed watching TV. About 30 seconds later I hear my oldest son say “What is this”? As my wife and I turn to look at him we both see my 13 year old son standing about 5 feet from the safe holding a hand gun in his hand.


My wife & I were shocked! Of course my wife grabbed the gun and placed it back in the safe. Once the gun and safe was secure we proceeded to talk to both our son’s about guns. This is a conversation that both our kids have herd 1000’s of times. That’s why we were both so shocked that he thought it was ok to grab a gun out of the safe without asking an adult. As I am writing this I’m still in absolute shock!


We have taught our kids from a very young age to be very respectful around all firearms. We’ve talked to them about what to do if they see a gun at a friend or relative’s house. Even though he has been taught to respect guns and the danger they possess for some reason he had a brain fart and decided he knew better!


My wife and I have now completely changed how & when we open the safe. We will never open the safe again without our bedroom door shut & locked!


The point of this story is to give everyone a reminder about talking to your kids about guns and gun safety. Honestly, if this can happen to my son it can definitely happen to yours………………………………

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Wow, glad all are safe. A great reminder, thanks. Thanks for stepping up and sharing!

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Good reminder Adam. Kids will do things that just blow your mind. I've had a teenager point a jammed handgun right at me when asking for help.

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I'm not sure I understand? Was he holding it and pointing it at someone? Or is it just that he got a gun from the safe and knew he wasn't supposed to?


He was holding the gun safely, but he knows he should never touch a firearm withoug adult permission. I'm not sure why he said "what is this" when he know's what a gun is. My son is going thru a stage where he likes to "play dumb". I'm not sure if this was part of that or if he was trying to get attention. We've had a difficult time with him recently so it's hard to say. Either way, he should have known better!

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Glad nobody got hurt.

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I've been in the field with Adam and his family and they are as safe as anybody can be. This can happen to anyone at anytime. Great reminders Adam! Thanks for the heads up!

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I have a grand kid who is now on two legs and mobile. Time to reevaluate the home. Thanks for the friendly heads up.

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If we all admitted our worst mistakes we'd really some like a bunch of doofuses. I've done something stupid with a gun on two occasions. Which is completely opposite of how I usually am but both times drinking was involved. I now never clean or do anything with guns if i've been drinking. I even made my wife stop carrying her gun with her because she would just leave it sit in her purse where the kids could get it. I would rather her go unprotected if she can't be responsible enough to keep it out of reach of the kids and have an accident happen.


As far as the gunsafes, my kids know if they even touch a button on it it's an automatic butt beatin.

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Exactly. That was dad's lock on the gun cabinet we had. Touch and an butt whoopin followed. Until our teen years then we would come home do chores grab the guns we were allowed to(.22 or 12 gauge) and go hunting til dark. But that was a different world back then.

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