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Card Hit - 2016 style

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As soon as the results r out we wont even be talking about this. Hahahaha. Funny chit

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i hope this cold front doesnt f up the fishing this weekend. smally's are biting at apache

if it does you can always fall back on your favorite fishing holes here in town!

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Going to have to raise my data plan ! Checking every 10 mins for change , now GF thinks my phone is more important then her or anything going on . Need results soon

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Mesabulls you should let Ms. Begnoche know that she's really terrible at her job

Age: 20


Post Count: 9



you havent earned an opinion yet kid

It's called freedom of speech. I can have an opinion on anything. I don't have to earn sh*t from you? Lol

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With 44 pages and 246 users currently reading it, I think a lot of people will agree that this has certainly been one of the most entertaining threads in a long time. Nice way to pass the time waiting for the results.

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I'll complain about how dry it is in the high country! We need rain or snow badly..... and soon. This 6 week or so dry spell likely will affect the horn quality this year.

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I love how people come here and actually take the time to bittsh about all the bittshing. How moronic!!! I think we should complain about the weather. :P


Right? No rain for months.

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I keep opening this thread thinking there are people getting hit but its just a bunch more nonsense!

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Mesabulls you should let Ms. Begnoche know that she's really terrible at her job

Age: 20


Post Count: 9



you havent earned an opinion yet kid

It's called freedom of speech. I can have an opinion on anything. I don't have to earn sh*t from you? Lol


OK. Now you've got 10 posts.....you've earned your opinion. Congrats!



We should just bump him up to Premier Member now and get it over with since he can at least spell.

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I'll complain about how dry it is in the high country! We need rain or snow badly..... and soon. This 6 week or so dry spell likely will affect the horn quality this year.

Couldn't agree more. It's really bad up here. These spring winds are sucking away what little was in the ground. Been a horrible winter for the eastern mountains in this state.

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I'll complain about how dry it is in the high country! We need rain or snow badly..... and soon. This 6 week or so dry spell likely will affect the horn quality this year.

Couldn't agree more. It's really bad up here. These spring winds are sucking away what little was in the ground. Been a horrible winter for the eastern mountains in this state.


Great ... with my luck it'll stay dry as heck and I'll finally get drawn after 16+ years of NADA.

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zjherna1, try not to let (what appears to be) insults get to you by the regulars as many of them have nothing better or productive to do with their time than sit in front of a computer on a message board and type... Often we don't really know whether or not that was their intent, or if it was just poking fun anyway.


After all, this is a "freaking message board"! Sometimes you can get help, sometimes entertainment, and even information whether it's reliable or not!



The way I look at those who "spend too much time on this site" is they may be a great source of information, but take that's for what it's worth... which is information from a message board! Remember the number of their posts may be indicative of the amount of non-productive time they have on their hands, but it can also mean how much they really want to share and help others as well. Quite honestly, I've found this site can and has been a wealth of information, at times, and I have shared (via PM) some back with others who appear to be honestly asking for help with info I have.



It's also been quite entertaining, especially when reading how some put themselves on a pedestal above others because of the number of posts they have! "Now thet righ thar is fuuuuney!"

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