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Card Hit - 2016 style

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Thank you Mary for the explanation. I appreciate the info. For all of you JAs that want to cry and moan, grow up for Christs sake. And to zjherna (re:post 625), Mary is a wonderful gal. She works very hard and I have spoken with her on many occasions over the years. She is an asset to the AZG&F Department. Good luck all.

I'm sure she is a nice girl, but I'm just trying to say that she has 365 days a year to complete 3 draws. Every year there is consistently problems with every draw. It's ridiculous, they need to get it right. It shouldn't be rocket science

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I'm going to catch flack for this one but I must get it off my chest. We have become very spoiled and come to have expectation when in all reality they are still ahead of the April 22nd date or whatever it is. I have a sister that has been battling cancer at a very young age. She has gone thru a stem cell transplant and many many chemo therapy as well as radiation treatment only to recently find out it is still around and she continues to have a positive attitude and keep fighting with little bitching other than she is sorry for what a burden she puts on her family. That's something to whine about. I love to hunt and have done it all my life. Been a guide, had the mules, shot big Elk etc. . . I have come to really work on the things that are on my side of the street and my trash to take out. The rest is out of my control and not mine to clean up. Whatever happened or happens is out of my control and I will learn to live with it. At least I LIVE. Now I'm sure all the bashing will follow but bring it. It gives me something to work on !

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Yes hunt4horns I am dealing with some of the same issues as you. All this draw dialog seems pretty trivial when you put things into perspective. All I will add to the complainers is if you have a challenge...... direct your complaint to the cook.......and not the waitress!!

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idk, on one hand i dont care that it takes longer and youre right its nothing i can control so who cares.


on the other hand they stand to earn $32 MILLION from just antelope and elk tag fees. so no there shouldnt be any screw ups at all. its not the delay that sucks it that they screw it up everytime

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This is business, its not personal.


Anyone who says they wouldn't get the best and brightest to manage millions of dollars is lying to themselves. If these 3 individuals are the depts. best/brightest AND they are the programmers then it is time to get new people. If this Mary person is just doing her due diligence to clean up someone else's mess with only (3) other people to help then bless her.


WHOEVER is in control this dept needs a wakeup call.

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I love how people come here and actually take the time to bittsh about all the bittshing. How moronic!!! I think we should complain about the weather. :P

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ready2Hunt, They generally can't, and don't, get the best/brightest programmers and IT staff. They're limited by state rules and regulations that limit what they can pay people, and because of that, pay below market value. Aside from a really down economy with high IT unemployment, the people they hire aren't the best and brightest.

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