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gunsmiths for rebarrel and blue?

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I have been going back and forth between getting a new rifle or having my old 30-06 rebarreled and blued. I am leaning toward getting the ole girl back shooting good again but I am having a hard time finding a gunsmith in Tucson to do the work. I called Harry Lawsons they have done some work in the past and are very very good I think but they are also very very busy. the response I get from every other smith or gun shop is "nope we don't do that anymore, no dont know anyone that does. They are all either dead or too old" :lol: I am willing to drive to phoenix or sierra vista as long as they can have it done before my november hunt with a little time for break in. I appericiate any reccomendations



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Take it to Lawson's. They do it all the time and probably has a new take off barrel they can sell you. I have a friend that gets his rifles rebarrelled all the time over there. They just did a trigger job on my BAR and was in there a week.

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The two smiths that I personally use are pretty backed up, so I'm not sure that they would be able to get you taken care of before your hunt.

Classic Barrel Prescott, AZ

Weaver Rifles Peyton, CO


That said, Here's the website for ITD custom gun in Ohio that is VERY reasonably priced, always has barrels in the most popular twist rates in stock and has a pretty quick turnaround. (8 weeks last I talked to him) I've personally never used him, but I have only heard positive things in regards to his work. You can legally ship the rifle directly to him and he can send it back to you without having to involve an FFL.

ITD Custom Guns


Hope this helps,


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With only two months working time before the huunt, you may have a hard time finding someone to do it. Rather than putting on a take-off factory barrel, a quality custom barrel may be the better route if you're looking to improve accuracy. Dan Pedersen at cutrifle in Prescott does good work.


For now, you could give the barrel a good cleaning with a strong copper remover like Sweets or 50BMG, and have the barrel recrowned for about $35.



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thanks for all the reccomendations guys. red rabbit it still shoots pretty good I could use it for this hunt without any prolbems I am just thinking of making it like new again or better. I know I should of thought of this earlier this year and got it done but hein site :rolleyes: it was my dads gun he bought as a kid in like 1965? so I just want to keep it in the family and working well. but thanks again for the help

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Before you rebarrel it, clean it with Barnes CR-10, follow the instructions as you don't leave it in too long. You may just have a fouled barrel giving you problems.

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