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It has about anything you could possibly want to look at pertaining to outdoor activities. I thought it was nice and saw a few people I hadn't seen in awhile. Went Friday afternoon and was surprised at how big it is, not many people there.

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I went today. It's the best show in years!!!! Very similar to the show when it was at the fair grounds.

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Big thanks to Sean(rossislider) for the free tickets!!!!!!

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I went this afternoon.Was a little better than My last one 5 years ago , but still a joke . A City with 5 million people Should have a show 3 times as big. I hated North Dakota ,but in Minot where I lived ,a town of 60k people their expo isn't tomuch smaller and allmost as many outfitters as this show. Still the best one here was 15 or so years ago ,the first one put on by locals, I beleiveve Floyd and the guys from the Outdoorsman. Correct Me if Im wrong on who started it. This one is a joke. The only good thing was the taxidermy display , Eastmans and if you want to go to Alaska fishing or Africa hunting. bottom line waste of $ 17 dollars addmision and parking...............BOB!

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Geez Bob, sounds like a different show than what I saw. I can't imagine it being any bigger. Had to go at least 1/4 mile from the main exhibit through acres of RV's, tent displays, and archery stuff to get to the boats and fishing area. Was there for 3 hrs and actually didn't see half of the booths.

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Too many booths of non hunting related junk...........BOB!

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We just left. I enjoyed it quite a bit. We were there for about 4 hours talking with all the different outfitters, vendors, and groups. If I didn't have my wife and kids with me, I would have probably been there talking all day. Only thing I would have liked to have seen more of is local guys.

Also, nice to meet and chat with you briefly Dave (azelkhunter2).

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So obviously much bigger but if I'm not buying a boat or an RV or an out of state hunt guess there isn't much huh? Any Texas guides selling hunts? Is the Archery stuff just the 3d shoot?

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There were a couple texas outfitters there and yes just the 3d for Archery

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My first time... thought it was pretty cool. I really was intrested in the taxidermy competition display. I joined the Arizona Taxidermy Association and sat in on a 3 1/2 hour seminar. I wish it would have been longer.... Ed F

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even though I'm not really doing anything tomorrow - about the only way i'll go is I get FREE tickets -


anyone who went - how many booths of non hunting junk did you see


yes I'm sure on can find something of interest if you go


with a show that is labeled as an outdoorsman expo - in the past several yrs its been glass cleaners on every other isle - jewlry - sun glass - massages- foot insole - etc. just to mention a few they got someone selling something for every ache and pain you can think of


I'd bet less than 1/3 was actually related to hunting or fishing with hunting getting the short end of that stick


I'm sure the boat guys are happy as they could bring a lot more stuff


I hope those whom had the time to go -- enjoyed it !

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Thats the other thing. If I want a boat or a camper i would go buy one and shop around town. If You took them away and all the junk booths the actuall hunting and fishing area wouldn't be to big. And I agree with the other poster here ,there should be more local flavor involved ,but they probly want to much for booth space for the average outfitter. Just had to rant some more . Just got off work.at 2AM...............BOB!

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Well we went and did not buy a new pair of sunglasses or hand lotion or jerky or a jumping jack trailer BUT we did buy a new GRILL MAT and yes they do work tried it out yesterday.

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