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Ted Cruz wants feds to dump all puclic land

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I don't think that anyone at all in the White House or the Congress gives a crap about our guns one way or the other. I'm 100% certain Obama was a paid gun salesman. Nobody in history ever made more guns & ammo fly off the shelves. I wonder if they'll put Hillary on the payroll too?


Follow the money & you'll find the truth and the truth is that the gun industry does nothing but benefit every time a politician makes an anti gun speech.


Ruger's stock went up about 10% between Mar 1990 to Mar 2009, but is up 850% during Obama's regime. Hmmmmmm, wonder what's going on here.... :rolleyes:





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I kinda think that ain't obamas agenda. He'd take our guns today if he could. And has said as much many times. So will hitlery. She is worse. Lark

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ill take trump's erratic record over someone with a solid record of being a dirty nasty politician.


and if you let someone take your guns than its your own fault.

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Governments can and do take away guns. See Canada and Australia, they spent millions of tax money taking away guns from law abiding citizen. Your record of having a hunting license is a start that you have a gun. Requiring a permit or face jail is the way they will do it. Sure you can hide them but if you ever use them you will go to jail. It will be a disaster but by then it will be too late. Socialism appears good until you get it.


Trump may be not the best candidate because he shows what is wrong with Republican party, And since the GOP ( which is not the government of the people) continues to eat its own ie: Goldwater, elder Bush and Trump you better get used to socialism.

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Use the power of the States laws, and the Fed's can go pound sand.


When Federal powers start to threaten those who, deny, or speak out , against climate change, it's only a matter of time.

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I deny that I deny


The Obama Administration is looking into bringing criminal charges against people who question man-made climate change.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch told a Congressional subcommittee that people should be prosecuted for the offense of “climate change denial.”

“This matter has been discussed. We have received information about it and have referred it to the FBI to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which we could take action on,” said Attorney General Loretta Lynch, responding to a question from the liberal Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse at a Senate Judiciary Hearing.

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That is communism. They changed their phony name from global warming to global change when the climate cooled. oops! Duh, guess what the climate has been changing for billions of years. Mother nature is in charge NOT some little liar trying to justify getting a grant to study some more and put the spin wanted on it. Follow the money.

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They're trying to use the same racketeering laws against oil and coal that Clinton did when held up tobacco. It's just a way to get money out of the deal. Like everything in dc. Couldn't care less about thd environment of people. Just get more money to pay guys that are already rich. Another reason we need to clean out dc. Lark

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If these libtards really believed their climate change crapola they wouldn't fly all over the world every time they want talk about it.


Leonardo DeCrapalo wouldn't be taking his private jets and diesel burning 100' yacht to Europe and South America everytime he wants to give a lecture on how the USA is killing the planet.

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Ted Cruz demolished Trump in Wyoming.

thats a good thing for sure but how many delegates are in Wyoming haha!! He needs to win populated states to take it.


Every little bit helps

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