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Wyoming hunter safe card

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I know in wyoming you need hunter safty card. I'm one of those people who grew up and hunted my whole life and never took the class. Big mistake and missed out points. Been trying to find a feild day for over a year. Every time I check any class within an hour away is always filled. And if I miss one day looking on line it seems like that's when they start a new class and then it's filled. My problem is I'm starting to get worried on time. Deadline for wyoming antelope is end of May. Can I still get drawn and still take the feild day afterward, as long it is before my hunt?? Are there other options that wyoming except that? ( obviously recognize my by Wyoming but not by Arizona).

When push comes to shove I'll go make a weekend out of it somewhere out of town if I have to

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Yes you can put in, you only need it if you get checked, not to many Worden up there, and the don't ask for it, no that doesn't mean you don't need one. Getter done

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Yes you can put in, you only need it if you get checked, not to many Worden up there, and the don't ask for it, no that doesn't mean you don't need one. Getter done

Maybe just different areas, but I've worked in WY quite a bit, pronghorn hunted a couple years, and elk hunted several years, and I have always seen more game wardens in WY, than I have in other states.

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I've seen 2 in 6yrs of hunting and only one asked me..

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