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Pending New Record Archery Coues

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welp, there goes my chances of holding a world title.



congrats to the hunter, i probably would have died on the spot of buck fever.

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What's round eye? Why can't rez animals be in the book? Only thing separates em from the rest o' world is barb wire. Lark

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This not coming from me by no means to clear the air first but........ Many people think (accuse) certain tribes of doping (steroids) animals for a higher priced hunt for bigger scores. Why do all the big bull chasers hunt the border line?

Again not me just the scuttlebutt that floats around as to the questioning of entry to the books.

NOT MY OPINION but bash away if needed if it makes you feel better.

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Never heard that one before Toby. If doping was even a chance then the tribe must be feeding their coues estrogen not androgenic steroids cause the average buck on the Carlos is smaller than the average buck on state land in our premium units, and I believe lions are the reason for this. Their elk is a whole diff story as I would find it hard to believe there's another place in the US that has so many really big bulls per square mile. The tribe is really careful how many elk they shoot and its this reason why there are so many big Bulls. The res in the rut could be mistaken for a high end high fence operation during the rut. I met a couple tribal members a couple years years ago while near the fence line hunting and they had video after video of Bulls over 400 from just that week. Their hunter had passed 2 on the video that were clearly over 415. If I could hunt anywhere for elk period, it would be the San Carlos. It would be like taking unit 23,3c,And 1 together and having less than a 100 bull tags available combined for all hunts. Shooting anything under 400 on the dry lake unit could be considered a crime. Anyone that believes the res is doping probably believes in big foot also.

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There are more 400 Bulls killed in Az every year off the Rez, than on. All the rez's. Az is big bull country.

As far as steroids on the rez, bull$h!t. Do you have any idea what kinda program that would take? You don't just give a deer roids and it grows big antlers. These ridiculous things on deer farms are from inbreeding, line breeding, cross breeding, supplements, maybe roids, whatever you want. They are pen raised, hand fed freaks that have no right to be called a deer. This roid on the rez crap has been going around for years. You think they coulda kept it a secret this long? Guy kills a nice buck without a posse and its on roids. Wonder who started that rumor? Lark

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You're the one that floated it here. Give the kid some credit for killing a bigger buck than you ever will. Don't start roid rumors. Lark

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It's really sad what hunting has become. The young man saw and killed a buck on his own, end of story. There's so many uniformed hunters out there. It's just sad. All the bs being circulated around by the giant smoke and mirror dog and pony shows az has to offer has infected us all, especially the uninformed. Poor young man that killed the buck probably just went out to have some fun. Doesn't look like he's trying to brag in any way but just share the buck with us all. Meanwhile there's guys that talk about themselves constantly through thick smoke that everyone looks up to. Just sad!!! The average guy like the young man that killed the buck gets caught up in it all because of all the look at me's out there confusing and hyping the living crap out of the sport. It's time to rethink where we as hunters have come too. The few egos out there hyping it all up to get to your pocket book are the ones to blame. Behind all the smoke is usually the real story but the public is to ignorant to see it. The hype in hunting is and will be the demise of the sport, and no politician could come close to the damage being caused by the high end lee and Tiffany's out there stirring the pot. All I can say is I feel sorry for the young man for having to deal with anything but compliments. Heck if a couple of the hypers from az had killed the buck we would never hear the end of it and most of you would drop and worship at their feet. But when a average dude kills it, it's attack time. Go figure. Congrats to the young man and his world record. All I can say is I'm glad it wasn't one of the dog and pony shows from az that killed the buck and was an average dude out having more fun than most.

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Between remarks like 'round eye' and then the roid accusation this has become a sorry thread. I love seeing guys that deserve it, get bashed flat. Love it. Making racial comments and roid accusations about a guy with a bow is real low. If the tribe was gonna roid up their animals, they wouldn't let joe hunter in the roid areas. They'd do the "ethical" thing and save em for the rich guys with possees. Lark

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As long as it was a legal kill it's an awesome job and that guy will have stories to tell his kids and buddies for years to come. Congrats to him for an awesome buck that anyone would be happy to have. I am for one happy to see an avg Joe kill it than someone with deeper pockets who hired a team to find it and set everything up for him.

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Wow, derailed thread. If you guys want to talk about wildlife on the reservation, open a new thread. Congrats to the young man on an outstanding buck!

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