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Nice buck Jim. I'm not real good at judging either, but I'll guess around 104". Thanks for sharing!

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plenty big to shoot...100-105 i would say...maybe a lil better

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To bad you killed in January. I cant wait to stick him. Wish us luck guys! It must be karma. Sunday I got my new camera stolen and today I get pic's of a nice buck. Yepeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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That is a very very very BIG buck. And he still has a little ways to go. I'd say you are looking at a 108-112" buck when he's done growing. His G3's and main beams still have a little ways to go. What kind of a vehicle do you drive?

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Dude, when that buck finishes growing, you're gonna have a monster buck running around in them there hills. Definitly a TOAD!

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What a hog! I would bet ( and probably lose the bet ) that he will finish out around 105-107", but it wouldn't matter what he scores for me.....he's a hog! I love the big frame bucks like that! Thanks for the great pics! JIM>

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Either that buck has a small body or big rack!!! He'll be a shoe in at 105"- 110" when he's done and rubbed out!! Can you say........ " Ground Check that PIG!!!" :D :lol: ;)

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I am with every body else to say around 105-110" when its all said and done...Great buck and really good pictures.

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Nice looking buck. Thanks for sharing and reminding me of one like it a couple years ago that I got buck fever on and could not pull my bow back. :( I'm shaking all over agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. :lol: :lol:



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