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Worst Super Bowl ever?

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The only bad thing about Denvers win was bowlens ol' lady's plactic surgery. Get that broad a paper bag! Lark

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AverageJoe you must be a typical Carolina Fan- A whiny little b!@#$!!! The Panthers SUCK! They played absolutely NOBODY all year long and all you panthers fans now want to think the game was rigged. BOOHOO!

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Way better than most Super Bowls.


Must have been the worst for you since you were backing the wrong team!

Nah it was just boring as heck all around. Lots of miscues by each team. Payton was 13-23 for 141 0 TD and an interception, not exactly killing it.


Tbh it was exactly like I expected, garbage.

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Defense win championships... It's always been that way and it was true last night. Good for Payton!! Now ride off to the hall of fame and enjoy the next phase of life!

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So many cry babies upset with the outcome because it did not swing their way ... For those not giving the Bronco's defense their due respect, you should give up watching football... Even in the wussified generation of the NFL where defenses can not hit as hard or in the same ways they did 25 - 40 years ago, a great defense can still win games including the Super Bowl .... Manning did not have to be dominate, he just had to be efficient, and he was efficient enough to allow the defensive Machine of the Broncos dismantle Fig Newton and his offense ... The panthers defense was no slouch but not even close to what the Broncos came in with. I will take a Super Bowl with defenses battling in the trenches over a high scoring offensive match any day. Great Super Bowl .. and the best team ( BEST DEFENSE ) Won !!!!!

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Good Defenses tend to make offenses look bad and sloppy .... And these days almost everything they do is a personal foul ... I liked seeing the Broncos Defense not afraid to get a flag thrown for being a bit rough ... Showed Fig Newton they were there for business. It was the way it should have been...

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Most fans like to see the high flying offenses, and big scores. it makes for a more interesting game. Most games are won, or lost, in the trenches. I'll take a dominant defense any day.

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Newton was emblematic of the young generation. They want to play and dance with the stars but expect to win easy. They haven't learned that life is tough. They have to learn that you don't get to start off where your predecessor's left off. A word to the wise should be sufficient. :rolleyes:

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Anybody see the live feed of Eli Manning up in the V.I.P booth? He didn't look very happy that his brother won the Superbowl.

I seen that and was laughing mu azz off.

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