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It was at 5 yards......lets just say that I will never admit to how many times I shot.

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I'm going to say nice job. A 9mm is probably a bare minimum- I've hit Javelina with a .223 at 8 yards in the chest as a frontal shot ..and it ran away. Wasn't fun tracking that guy.

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I had planned to us my 5inch 1911 in .45 but I did not have any hollow point ammo. The first shot was a heart shot but she ran as if I missed. The second hit was a spine hit and dropped immediately.

I have a picture of the heart shot that is very impressive (read-grafic) but as discussed before CWT.Com does not like my brick phone.

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That is the heart picture.


Thanks Casey.

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That is the heart picture.


Thanks Casey.


What ammo you using? +P?

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Prograde 115gn +P Barnes.


My little 3.8 XDM love it.

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I'm going to say nice job. A 9mm is probably a bare minimum- I've hit Javelina with a .223 at 8 yards in the chest as a frontal shot ..and it ran away. Wasn't fun tracking that guy.

you must have been using full metal jacket because that doesnt make any sense

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